Buds barely getting any bigger, day 60.


Alright so my buds have been sitting at the same size for the last few days and are barely getting any bigger. I can still see the hairs, and buds lower down arent really finished at all, just gumy fluffy bud.

The top buds how ever are way more full and close to done but dont the buds dont look like they are as big as they could be.... but I can still see the bud under the leaves.

Should I give the plant its 3 days of darkness and crop it before it gets to late.. or let it go for another week..? Would letting it go for a week past its crop time be bad for it?


Well-Known Member
Pictures help a lot more then words mate, thats where your gonna get the answer your searching for.. Until then check this thread in the harvesting section that FDD made a while back its a very good tutorial he put together and will help any new grower with how their buds should look towards harvest time..


Edit: And it the tops look "done" then chop them off so the lower branches can finish.. ;)


did you do lst or anything? the lower ones probably just got less light. i say always drop some serious cash on your ladies with every grow. at least on one super expensive chemical, to try it out, it's usually well worth the money. i tried that root candy or whatever it's called(it's got a picture of a flower on it with a skull for the flower) and damn it made a huge different. it was like 100 or 200 bucks for a small ass bottle. it's supposed to make the roots grow like crazy and when i put it in they became monsters. so like i said drop some major cheddar on at least one expensive chem per crop.


I did spent about 100$ on 2 different solutions; one for veg; one for flower.. I was using monster bud for the buds. Uhm The bottom buds still get quite a bit of light..


Well-Known Member
Dude the biggest problem right now is your lack of detail. What strain is it? If unknown is it showing indica or sativa characteristics? SHOW PICTURES Dont be afraid to show pics on here lol. If they are gonna bust you its not gonna be because of pictures you post on an online forum unless you get snitched on like stickymango did earlier this year

60 days is usually enough for an indica plant to finish budding. And at one point or another the buds will stop growing. You haven't watched any grow videos yet? They usually talk about this stuff