BUDS are looking frosty, but when will they fatten up? *pics*


Well-Known Member
hi all,

well into my first grow.

i'm flowering right now and am at day 31 (nearly half way?)

these pics are of one of my AK-48

she is looking very nice and frosty but her buds are still small. i know i have a while to go yet, and i know that it's the last 2 weeks when they really start piling on the pounds (pounds? i wish).

still, can't help but think they should look a little larger.

view my pics and share your thoughts.




they still look young be patient you'll go i one day and say "Damn" then a week after they'll double. seems like the closer to the end they get the faster things finish up. if that make sense


Well-Known Member
they still look young be patient you'll go i one day and say "Damn" then a week after they'll double. seems like the closer to the end they get the faster things finish up. if that make sense
makes perfect sense, thanks.

i'm a very impatient person. but there's no way these are getting the chop early after weeks of work!

i'm really excited, hope they make it :)


Well-Known Member
cool thanks,

how long 'til harvest do you reckon? because i'm going away for a few days in early December and i don't know what to do.... guess i'll figure it out nearer the time.


Well-Known Member
yeah looks like their about to take off you'll know when they take off usually 42-56 days


Well-Known Member
well, been a while since i posted.

they are slowly increasing in size but rapidly getting covered in trichs :)

exciting times.......


Active Member
Nice looking plant man, I was wondering if you ever trimmed the bigger leaves off of your plant? I have heard both, I was told to trim the bigger leaves because all they do is take light and water away from the buds. Can you give me some advice....


Well-Known Member
Removing leaves is frowned upon, unless they're played out. Your leaves gather sunshine/light and, as they yellow and die, supply missing/weak nutrients the flowers need for full potential.
Here's a couple shots of my dogpaint at 30 days.
Hope ya don't mind me coming aboard . . . I just think these shotz are NICE!



Well-Known Member
Nice looking plant man, I was wondering if you ever trimmed the bigger leaves off of your plant? I have heard both, I was told to trim the bigger leaves because all they do is take light and water away from the buds. Can you give me some advice....
i really advise against it!

i did it myself, not a good idea. they are there for a reason. unless they fall off naturally, they should stay put! :)

Removing leaves is frowned upon, unless they're played out. Your leaves gather sunshine/light and, as they yellow and die, supply missing/weak nutrients the flowers need for full potential.
Here's a couple shots of my dogpaint at 30 days.
Hope ya don't mind me coming aboard . . . I just think these shotz are NICE!
haha, please do come aboard! the more the merrier :blsmoke:

wow! nice job, they are looking nice :)


Well-Known Member
thanks :)

i will try my bestest to keep 'em going. i'd even take a bullet for them, haha.

don't know if that situation would ever occur though :)


Well-Known Member
very nice man. those are some tasty lookin budds! did the one tall one just streatch more than the others or wut? verry nice work man +rep