I know I would need to solder but I do not have a background in any wiring or electronics, so it seems a bit over my experience.
Actually, you don't need to solder. Take a look at http://www.modularled.ca They have connectors...and complete kits.
I'm just guessing on the size of two rubbermaids since I don't know - 10 inches wide by 15 inches long by 20 inches tall ? You could diy a panel just an inch or so smaller in length/width so it fits inside well and allows good air movement and leaves some height for your plants. You might be able to use one of their kits (talk with them about your horticultural spectrum requirements) and then you don't need to even spec drivers or anything. If you want to do one of their supplemental kits - here's a reasonable place to get a heatsink. heatsinkusa.com