Budget Grow

Hey there, this is gonna be my first grow, but I've done at least a couple years of reading into this... Let's hope I'm ready. 3 strains, 6 plants and about a hundred bucks.

Strain 1: Nepalese
Strain 2: (Shiva x Skunk) x Bubblegum Kush
Strain 3: Bag seed. I think the flowers smelled a little kushy, but those in the room are doubtful. Screw 'em. What's a smoking connoisseur without confidence? At least some MK. Let's call them Kush XZY.

Seeds were placed in a sandpaper lined match box and shaken before being put in water to soak a few days. Taproots came 1-3 days later, each seed being given it's very own spot in the starter tray as they cracked.

Seeds are placed in soil and lightly watered daily. Left under 2x 42w CFL's, sprouts began to come up in days. After 4 days 9 of 12 seeds make it and "Day 1" has started.

At time to transplant, organic soil was mixed with bunny compost and a pinch of perlite and put into 1 gallon pots. Even at less than a week, these roots are are pretty wicked.

Only 6 plants get to make the cut, so after sacrificing 3 runts to the hemp gods for a good season, the lights are turned on and the plants are watered in their new home.

Now, the lights are 5x 42w CFL's and 3x 150w CLEAR GLASS incandescent bulbs. Why incandescent? CFL's are mostly ultraviolet/blue spectrum while a clear incandescent is heavy infrared, most favored in flowering. Also, my uncle tried it in the 70's with outstanding results. They didn't know about photosensitivity, so it just got 24 hour light for 6 months, but allegedly it was ENORMOUS and extremely oily/resinous leaving the smoker quite content. As you can see, these are only day 5, but they look easily double that.

Also, youtube viewers! I see WAY too many CFL grows (and HID for that matter) whose lights are too far away. They don't have that much penetration to begin with nor do they emit much heat, so keep 'em close. I use a 3 inch chopstick as reference myself. If it weren't for the incandescent, I'd take it to 1 inch. On the note of light utilization, CFL's also do not do well with big plants, so don't veg them into one. Day 16 is when I'll be flipping them into flower.

And finally BENDING is the best way to optimize your grow (CFL or otherwise) and get your auxins going. With this time frame, topping will be too stressful and the hormones will not have recovered by the time flowering cycle is inhibited. This way you get more bud sites in less time.

Side note, water is not ph tested and only nutrients are b-1 and hydrogen peroxide.


To bring oxygen down to the roots and promote their growth while further breaking down unusable compost and such into nutrients later used by plants. It's a technique used in hydro and sometimes aeroponics, though it's overkill for the later and nutrients don't need to be broken down in such systems.

Day 21; day 5 flower.
Sorry for being neglectful gang, been a busy couple weeks. Most plants have cracked their 11 blade leaves, shiva skunk is a few nodes up on that and secondary node growth is adequate. I need more phosphorus. In the first few days I noticed some heat stress on the seedlings, so I took out the incandescent lights until day 7 flower when plants are more robust (lights were replaced with 3 x42w cfl 2700k). All plants require LSTing every 3 days or so, fan blades are EVERYWHERE and need to be pushed aside and held down for light to reach axillary branches.

Gotta busy day today too, but I promise pics in the next 2 days! :-P

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
looks good im doing a bugjet grow with a singl,e 42sw cfl goiing to add another in for flower and get lst'd on the 2 plants got 4 going u should check it.