Budget grow 600w - Himalaya Gold, Short rider

Captain Jaz

Active Member
Hi all, I'm an experienced grower, my last grow paid for a sailboat and 2 years in the Caribbean. Unfortuanely I lost the boat in a hurricane in September. Back in UK now, and having to start from scratch. Just got the first of the seeds I ordered through today, 5x Himalaya Gold fems. Very excited about this strain, I chose it as I can't afford to get lots of seeds, so I chose a plant that would grow big and harvest big to make the most of the space and light I have got. Soaking them now, ready to plant in 24hrs. Unfortuanately, cos of all the holidays at this time of year, the money I transfered to my paypal won't be there till the 5th of January. This is what I am going to buy my 600w hps and 4x 58w t5 floro's with. But I need to get a harvest asap so that I can upgrade my set up and start a more serious grow again. Luckly, the windows of my house are mostly south facing, and no neighbours can see inside. So I will veg them on the window sill in the day, and sit them under my 15w cfl bedside lamp at night. This should be fine for the next 10 days or so till i get my t5's. Ok, heres a video about the Himalaya Gold to keep you interested till I got some pics for you -



Captain Jaz

Active Member
I havent had a greenhouse fem seed hermie on me yet...Not saying it cant happen but not to me yet...

You should be fine..Im subbed for it see how this h.gold grows..+ rep to get you started
Cheers mate, yea I haven't heard anything bad about them either. Hopefully they should sprout ok, as I only had pottong compost to put them in. All the local shops are closed atm, so couldn't get any perilite. They're in a propogator next to the heater, so should be fine. Been awhile since I done a grow as low-tech as this, but plenty ppl get by with less. Will just have to see. 20 more seeds on the way, and as long as I can get 8+ females out of the lot, then i should get the kinda harvest I need to upgrade my set-up.

Captain Jaz

Active Member

Link showing 6 of the 10 plants that survived getting cold. The cardboard covers 5 fem Himalaya Gold that I planted 2 days ago to replace the ones that died. Sorry for poor quality, but only got webcam atm.