Budget first grow


Active Member
Greetings Rollitup,
My first grow is from some unidentified seed in a home made tent. It's a metal shelf covered in mylar survival blankets and copious amounts of duct tape with a sliding shelf housing the lights.
Odor hasn't been an issue (yet) but the enclosure vents with desktop fans and my carbon filter is at the ready.
About 1m^2 in viable space above the soil top. I vegged with 2 t5s in a generic-looking housing (for tomatoes and the like) and a sunlight spectrum compact t4.
For budding I threw 3 more cfls around the perimeter and switched to 12/12 when the first preflowers started.
Unfortunately these bulbs are what I had sitting around and I plan on upgrading them ASAP as I progress into flowering (unsure of their rating, though they've grown some dank lettuce.)

I started germ in a plastic bag and moved to perlite after getting a long hairy tap root. Then I moved through 3 sizes of buckets to get a really dense root ball, finally ending up in the ~5gal cat litter bucket. At about day 15 of veg I secured a chicken wire scrog. I realize this isn't a true scrog grow, although if I were to repeat the grow I would probably do the same again, needing as much horizontal space as possible control the stretch in this tiny op.
I've trimmed about a half dozen fan leaves as their deep green color began to fade and supercropped a few of the main colas. I've topped her once, about 2 weeks into veg.
The soil:
  • blood meal
  • bone meal
  • worm castings
  • manure
  • fresh compost
  • organic premixed soil
  • perlite
  • vermiculite
  • neem
  • seaweed extract
Aged about 5 months.
Week 2 of veg:

1 day after screen is placed:

Under the canopy, same day. Most of these leaves got trimmed.

In week 3 of veg:20151013_154800.jpg
End of week 3. The leaves look very curled here pretty sure they were mid-furl, they flattened by the end of the day. Sex is now apparent and it's a she!

...And by week 4 I switched to flower adding occasional organic nutes and compost tea.
Stay tuned bongsmilie



Active Member
I'm progressing into flowering now with a topsoil dressing of worm castings, mashed tomato plants, mashed dried sunflower bulbs, coffee grounds and a bit of aerated compost tea sludge. I now add molasses to watering and apply foliar neem daily. My question is whether or not a switch to hps at this point is practical. I would only use a 100-150watt if I did, though I'm hesitant to introduce a large heat source without adding more ventilation. Is there a safe way to make hps worthwhile at this point? I keep envisioning crispy burnt leaves covering her canopy. Maybe more cfl is the way to go?

Used some zipties to LST this streeeeetch, I'm on day 4 of flower now. the main stem is out of view on the left, I keep tying it down and threading the tertiary stems over to the right.

the lights. Nothing fancy here. Growth has been great under these, what do you guys think the median yield is for this light setup?
2x 20watt wide spectrum t5, 1x 10watt daylight t8, 3x 40watt 2700k cfls. I was initially underwhelmed by the 110 watt ceiling but have been pleasantly surprised. Seems to be plenty for a lone girl in veg.
Pistils are beginning to swell now, no hairs yet.

My messy (but stealthy) closet shelf. It is truly small.


Active Member
Day 10 of flower. Hairs everywhere! Several pistils have 4 hairs already.
Still feeding her straight water. the top dressing is keeping the soil underneath nice and moist. The cabinet is nearly totally full now, I plan on lowering the screen when I have the time.



Active Member
20151104_160614.jpg 20151104_160622.jpg
And today is day 20 since the switch. No concerns about grow space temp or odor still... The closet faces a window perfect for letting in the fall winds so everything stays very cool.
There are about 5 main colas, all about the same size. The closest one to the tent door is in the pics.
Can't wait to watch her growth these next few weeks! I'm now of course considering my next grow, I plan an CFL/LED grow in a full height closet setup this time around, maybe 4-5 plants?

Anyone have experience with Kelp granules? The kind physicians recommend for iodine deficiencies and such. I've added some to the topsoil before watering, just not sure if this method is practical does it need to 'cook' in like the other amendments?
figure it can't hurt as the soil has some kelp extract in it already.


Well-Known Member
If you had to make a pros/cons list of using T5s and CFLs what would it be? I'm not quite to flowering stage, and using seven T8s, with 2 CFLs nearer the bottom, and I'm wondering how much I'll regret it (if at all) when they do start flowering.


Active Member
Pros: Low heat and low profile.
Cons: Low spectrum fls are expensive... Still need a housing or ballast for them too.

Pros: Easy to fill in lighting gaps with, repositionable. Long life.
Cons: Promotes internode stretching alot, especially around 12/12. Lots of them usually means a mess of cables or multi socket adapters, just another thing to buy.

The 2 T5s are budding wavelength,~2700k (according to manufacturer) but I've used them the whole way, so even if you don't have specifically low spectrum light it sounds like your overall wattage should handle budding easy. I've added another T4 to promote flowering, I think changing the intensity of the light after 12/12 switch is a good idea although that one needs more trials.
In my short experience any cfl/fl bulb will produce some useful light, some more than others. But I'm definitely not worried about a low yield under cfls as I was and you probably are now, the plant's cycle is on point and growth at all stages has been rapid. I think availability of nutrients and light intensity will contribute more to your buds than your bulb type.
How many plants have you got in that setup?


Well-Known Member
How many plants have you got in that setup?
Thanks for writing that up.

I've got 4 plants. Two of them are about 2 weeks ahead of the others. I have the two more mature in 1.5 gallon pots, and the 2 younger in 5 gallon pots. They are autoflowering, and I did not know that one should only transplant once, as I was planning to move the first two from 1.5 to 3 gallon, but decided to keep them in their smaller pots and watch the difference in yield between 1.5 gallon and 3. I don't really have room for four 3 gallon pots either.

This is my first time around, so I'm learning a lot for what to do differently next time, and like you I'm trying to do it on a budget, hence the T8s (the cheapest readily available bulb/fixture from my local hardware store).


Active Member
I've got 4 plants.
Sure thing!
This is my first grow too, or rather the first female I've gotten into flower. Learned the hard way with my first bag of seed, trying to pull off a DWC in the same enclosure... Terrible results. Organics started making sense in terms of low maintenance, sustainable growing and cheap materials. Not to mention the vegetable garden loves all the leftover soil and tea.
Are autoflowers affected by transplants more than a regular plant's root systems? I transplanted 3 times and it seems like as long as the roots have filled out allowing the soil to be removed in one piece when dry transplants won't induce any notable shock in the first few weeks of veg.
I'm curious to see the difference in the staggered grow you have going. nice that the autoflowering seed lets you do that in 1 grow space... Let me know if you get a grow journal up for them :weed:


Well-Known Member
I am going to introduce actually another variable, and that's using some compost we've had composting for the last 2 years in my final pot (ran out of the potting soil we bought). It's just household food waste so it should be nice and healthy for the plant.

I don't know for sure, but I've seen several places say that transplanting shocks a plant, and because autoflowers are on a timer, best to do as little shocking as possible. That's the reason for one transplant from tiny cup to final pot.

Yeah it is in fact a nice benefit that I didn't know about beforehand. I would have ordered photoperiod if I'd known the difference, mainly because I want to make clones. It is nice that I don't have to worry about their schedules. I have them on 20/4 and they are really thriving.

This blueberry they threw in for free is gorgeous and the most full of them all. They are responding really well to LST, and I really like my time spent arranging the branches carefully to make the most of the surface area.

I've been tempted to setup a journal, but wasn't sure that many people actually follow them. Do you follow many other people's grow journals?


Active Member
Do you follow many other people's grow journals?
Only follow a couple at the moment but I visit the forum directory daily, the front pagers tend to be full of insights. Unfortunately it does seem to be one of the least accessed parts of the site... Lots of old/perpetual threads.
If it's any encouragement you'll have at least 1 follower :cool:
I know it helped me organize my thoughts, when I got worried about 12/12 switch I referred to timestamps on this thread to double check my dates.

Great idea using compost. Banana peels are the bomb in compost, worms are great to have too.
Transplants do shock weak/young plants but the only time I've seen one suffer for longer than a day was a bell pepper, and that was coming straight off the shelf of the local home depot into the ground in full sun.
Your caution is well founded just be sure your soil area isn't limiting root growth. If roots start coming out the drainage holes before flower you might want to consider moving her.
3 gal sounds like a good middle ground between size and capacity. Maybe pruning leaves from the plant's lower portion will help you, as those tend to supply the roots more nutrients for growth.
Blueberry you say... What are the others?


Active Member

Day 23, hair count has doubled! Lots of popcorn nugs ready to cull this week. Leaves are getting frosty... But jesus it's like a forest in there. If I use this container again I'm definitely cutting veg down by a week at least.

Other 3 are lemon haze
Awesome lemon haze is pretty popular around here people always trying to sell you 20$ gs of it lol... Never grown or cured well though. Folks insulting everyone's intelligence trying to sell at those rates when canada is right around the corner.
I'm beginning to think this is mango kush, although that strain's traits seem to vary alot so I could be mistaken.


Active Member
Looks nice! Are you worried at all about the reddish stems? Isn't that sometimes a precursor to a deficiency?
It may be the phenotype as the red has been there since the beginning but only on fan leaf stems. I'm pretty sure a deficiency would tint the main stem as well and the plant hasn't shown any other signs of ill health other than loss of sheen on some fans, which I'm attributing to heat not nutrients.
My understanding is that reddish streaks on the main stem coming from the inside of nodes is a sign of flowering approaching peak. I have a lot of cloudy trichs and several of these streaks leading to main bud sites, so I'm assuming it's normal. But if I grow again in this soil with the same results I will reassess this opinion for sure.