Budding problem/question

So on this trial grow of mine, i'm about 4 weeks into flowering my plant & i'm concerned because the leaves on the leads at the top of the plant have faded to a very light green and have been like this for about 3-4 weeks now...
Note: the leaves at the middle and bottom of the plant are still a healthy green

So i'm wondering if this is a big problem and if so, what could be causing the problem?? Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks. :leaf:

Additional Info: I'm growing in Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil, using Fox Farm Big Bloom nutes & a 400W HPS


Well-Known Member
If it's been like that and hasn't spread, I am inclined to think that maybe heat stress is an issue. Do you have a pic you can upload? It's pretty much a shot in the dark without one.


Well-Known Member
same is the problem with me . Im growing a batch of nirvana seeds.

Can any1 pinpoint wats the problem ? Im growing them outdoors in india , so i put them inside in the evening , Basically giving them a 12/12 cycle.


Well-Known Member
I am very new to this topic.. I don't have good knowledge regarding this. I can't give any suggestion or any answer for this.
Then why bother posting here LOL. Everybody knows something, make a thread and share something you do know about. Welcome to RIU brother.