Budding plants very small yield + Pictures


Well-Known Member
Hi, 7-8 weeks into flowering and they seem pretty much done, all leafs are almost dead. Very small yield, and no branches, previous plants Ive grown had large branches and I havent done anything different, dunno whats up with that either. So I'm posting to find out why the yield is so small, and if the plants look done, Im out of pot and ill at least get some smokable but dont wanna crop if they will still grow more but I think they are done. Also why theres no branches just little leafs for branches that grow tiny buds. My next crop I'll top them to make sure I get multiple branches but there should be regular branches without topping.

These are the pics, they arnt the best of shots, kind of hard to get a decent angel without arms using feet :D


Active Member
Let me ask you a few questions, like. Do you ever move the light closer to the plants? They look pretty stretched. How big are the pots they are in? And most important did you read GrowFAQ or any of the beginners stuff?


that's some strange looking bud. holy hell. what strain? lol

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey male..

the main problem, is tha the plangts are all stretched to hell.. when a healthy indica plant is 4 inches tall, it should have 3-5 nodes... close nodes will produce dramitcally higher yields.....

The light should never be more than 12 inches from the foliage.. if your plants are gettimng burned because of light proximity, then you will need to get a fan to blow or draw the heat up and away from the foliage...

I am actually suprised those plants can even stand up.. they are so TALL!!! LOL


congrats on a succesful harvest


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to some girls that I thought another person was going to take. They were in 4" pots for like 3 months, in a greenhouse, with minimal to no feeding, then when I finally got it that they were homeless I repotted into 1 gal. & started feeding. At this point I have no secondary branches however they are now producing large, tight, primary kolas. I won't let this happen again! HH


Well-Known Member
lol, I dont know the strain, my doc gave me the seeds that 1 of his patients gave him, all of them were female too out of like 15 seeds.

I had the plants under dual fluorescent and the light was always 2 inches above sometimes grew into the light and would keep raising it, I moved them to the 1000w HPS you can see that light is higher up over 12 inches BUT they went under there to bud so that didnt have anything to do with the hight, they got that hight with the fluorescent. I had 2 others before these under budding and it seemed like they were burnt so I got that fan thats in the first pic aimed more at the light and its not hot what so ever so thats not the problem either lol. I dont think the size pot is an issue tho, I had 1 male out of those and when I pulled it out the roots looked really good.

If you notice in the first pic, the large plant to the left, that is an AK47 plant, but it did the same grew tall but no branches, its just starting to bud now, that one is really tall but I think the outcome will be the same as the other 3.

Edit: HumboldtHunny just posted a second before I posted this, so the pot might be the issue then? hmm yea first time growing out door, big pots = very bushy, 2nd indoor i used large pots but those plants died during budding and didnt even get stoned off it but they were bushy, then I used for this crop smaller pots, so yea ill use bigger ones again next time, really wouldnt of thought that the potting would be cause something like that. im gonna chop down those 3 then and dry them out, I really think the growth is done and they have a lot of crystals


Well-Known Member
To me, with those airy, "popcorn" buds, it looks like a lighting or heat issue. Is the bulb you are using still new or have you done several grows with it? It could be you need to replace the bulb.

Garden K already told you about the heat.


Well-Known Member
the bulb is used, also the light turns off and on, on for 15mins off for 2mins, got an air conditioner and when it kicks in the light resets, my next grow will be in a the cellar and have new equipment and better wiring, I cut those 3 plants down and cut the leafs off and drying, looks like ill get a quarter which sux but its better then nothing.


Well-Known Member
That's most likely your answer right there: "the bulb is used, also the light turns off and on, on for 15mins off for 2mins". Your plants were suffering from light deprivation. Good luck on the next grow.

the bulb is used, also the light turns off and on, on for 15mins off for 2mins, got an air conditioner and when it kicks in the light resets, my next grow will be in a the cellar and have new equipment and better wiring, I cut those 3 plants down and cut the leafs off and drying, looks like ill get a quarter which sux but its better then nothing.


Well-Known Member
in a crocodile dundee tone,,,That's not stretched,,,This is stretched,,,LOL,,65 inches from dirt to tip,but look at the hairs,,,MMMMMMMMMMM

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
off one plant right ? damn .... ill be expecting a lot more then a quarter ..... my nodes are all close together where as yours theres lots of stem ..... close nodes = bigger yield correct ?


Well-Known Member
Lol well thats an open and shut case. Plants need a steady light cycle, it was prolly confused the whole grow, poor girls. O well man, atleast you learned somethin now. The light needs to be a constant 18/6 or 12/12 or 24/0 or whatever you choose to do, but light needs on for the whole time its suppose to be on, I woudl reccomend getting a cheap timer, save you a bit of time.

Cool lookin grow though buddy, o and is that mylar on the walls, or foil?

Hope the smoke is good : )

Grow on growers : )


Well-Known Member
I have a timer, and no its not a quarter for each plant, its a quarter from all 3, Ill post the exact weight once they are dried either tonight or tomorrow


Well-Known Member
how does it taste ? and how high from 1 - 10 .. 10 being the best ..... and base it on how long you stay high for too