

Well-Known Member
Does this weed look good? it looks terible to me but it got me pretty high. :eyesmoke:
I've scored dime bags looking like shit too but i got high and that what counted in the end.
ok so i tried to smoke more of it but it so bad i cant do it. the taste an smell are treible i figured hash might be better so i made iso hash and smoked it and almost threw up this is some of the worst weed ive ever had in my entire life.
i litterly threw up from trying to smoke it its so bad i cant even begin to think of what i actually just smoked.
ok so i tried to smoke more of it but it so bad i cant do it. the taste an smell are treible i figured hash might be better so i made iso hash and smoked it and almost threw up this is some of the worst weed ive ever had in my entire life.
i litterly threw up from trying to smoke it its so bad i cant even begin to think of what i actually just smoked.

Dude that sounds horriable. :-|
looks like some decent shwiggity shwagg, if i can use the terms together

id smoke it, all but the moldy lookin part that is
thats def the mold bro, toss that bud, or sell it to someone you dont like. it cant be healthy to smoke

you could water cure it too.....
I don't know maybe the drug dealers dog ate his stash and maybe your smoking dogshit/weed just like on cheech and chong lol.
Very fucking yucky. I haven't smoked shit like that since I was 13. Shit at 13 I was probably smoking better shit than that.