BUD WASHING- the truth

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bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I'll get to the op before the automatic water top up system cuts in to top up the res. I get out the pump up sprayer and top the res by spraying the plants with fresh water. Since they are clones I can pump like hell and set the nozzle to blast. I also spray them with the mix from their res.I don't allow grit to build up on the plants. All of the air intakes are filtered. About the only problem I have is finding a piece of my hair all grown around by a bud:)

A pump up sprayer is a must for growing plants. If I was doing a commercial grow I'd be more concerned about the hair problem:


Well-Known Member
Love that you shared this. I looked into Doc Buds method and it all seems sound. Not to mention the testimonials from other people who have tried this sound phenomenal. I'll be doing this with my harvest this round to see if I can tell the difference!


Well-Known Member
Guys and Gals... i'll post pics soon.. but yeah... the lemon juice/baking soda works like a charm.. not only does it clean.. it makes the buds lighter green , the smell stronger and the trichs really stand out.. like powered sugar.

But people.. just try it instead of jumping to conclusions with nothing to back it up... try it with one bud on your next plant.. and you will see the light.


Well-Known Member
Love that you shared this. I looked into Doc Buds method and it all seems sound. Not to mention the testimonials from other people who have tried this sound phenomenal. I'll be doing this with my harvest this round to see if I can tell the difference!

the only thing is i'd skip the H202 unless you have mold issues.... the lemon juice/baking soda works just fine. and you do want to kind of shake them to get the excess water out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was reading that part in Doc Buds thread. Good to know about the shaking as well. I'm so excited to try this!


Well-Known Member
After using docs technique on a few grows i started using a SNS product that doc himself credits as being worthwhile. it worked really well. But after good results with both washes i went to the practice of thoroughly hosing down the plants (tap water) 2x during harvest week. I feel that there is a little terroir type qualty that is lost when doing dunks. I noticed this when comparing the flavor of a branch that broke off and i forgot to wash with washed bud.
Never had a mold or excessive moisture issue with hosing or dunking.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Hi guys, on that washing of your weed thing, Do It!. Its the difference between smooth smoke and smoke that makes you cough. It significantly changes the final product. This past summer I pulled in an awesome outdoor grow. I washed the final product by taking off the fan leaves and then dunking the entire limb. say three or four feet long, into a large tub that held cattle feed, maybe thirty gallon tubs. I changed the water every three or four loads. I held the limbs under the water for at least fifteen seconds. the bugs start to float to the surface about then. There are also a large number of seeds, and lots of dust, and pollen and did I mention the insects? and the sheer amount of bird poop that comes off and floats on tops...I was just astounded the first time I took the plunge...and washed my first plant. The amount of **** I saw floating on the water sealed the deal immediately. to dry them is easy. just tye a piece of string around the base of a hand-full of limbs and swing them around your head. Centrifugal force pulls the water off quite nicely. Hang them to dry where its dark and cool and the air moves.
Id love to see a video of someone swinging their buds around. Id think itd work not saying that, just that itd be a hoot to see.


Active Member
Thanks for the share, its great information. Not every situation calls for bud washing, but when the situation is right...its good to have information like this.


Well-Known Member
If that isnt enough then you just scrub it up and down and ring it out on one of these
View attachment 3560289
Then you just pop it in the kiln at 2000°C and after about 6 hours your bud should be clean enough to use...
You all are probably too young to remember wringer washers. Before dryers came into being. I talked my little brother into putting his finger up to it while it was rolling. Got my ass whipped for that one. He sure could scream the little bastard.


Well-Known Member
what were you growing in? your toilet?
why, aren't you being nice..... no i grow in a room but it has carpet. and fuzzzies get everywhere, plus i live in Colorado ... and if you've ever been here you know this state is dirty as fuck.... dirt and dust is everywhere...... not everyone has the luxury to grow in a sealed room with hepa filters up the ying yang. most people wouldn't care about the little amount of dirt and carpet fuzz on my buds.. but i do....
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the share, its great information. Not every situation calls for bud washing, but when the situation is right...its good to have information like this.

its true... not every situation..
It'll be a minute. I'm almost at 2 weeks since switch on my G13 Pineapple Express, so I'm expecting early February will be harvest.

oh thats fine... would love your feedback when you do harvest!


Well-Known Member
why, aren't you being nice..... no i grow in a room but it has carpet. and fuzzzies get everywhere, plus i live in Colorado ... and if you've ever been here you know this state is dirty as fuck.... dirt and dust is everywhere...... not everyone has the luxury to grow in a sealed room with hepa filters up the ying yang. most people wouldn't care about the little amount of dirt and carpet fuzz on my buds.. but i do....
Milliard tents are cheap on amazon, they filter out most of the fuzz while they are zipped up.
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