bud rot???


Active Member
i noticed few of my leaves curlin up gettin really brown in which i could jus pull off very easily and had a hunch something wasnt right so i goggled...looked on RIU...looked on other sites and found these were signs of bud rot...its week 10 flower under 10 - 26w CFL had 12 until like week 7 and had to move the lights in which 2 of em broke...I DONT have a good scope so tryin to check trichs well not gonna happen lol so figured i jus flush real good this ext water and then let dry out really good then chop WHAT U THINK?? BUD ROT?? READY TO CHOP NOW?



Well-Known Member
if it turns out to be bud rot ( others with more exp. might be able to tell by pics ) can't tell by pics myself, but if get rid of as much as possible with tweezers. I had some in just a few buds and decided to pull it, get some more opinions
It is not possible to tell from pics alone, but it does look like bud rot to me.
If you poke it and wiggle your finger (gently) in it, the rotten part should fall right out. If so you will know for sure.

The fact that the leaf you pulled came right out suggests a high probability of bud rot.
Most of the time when I have dead leaves from nut def / end of plant life, the leaf will not come off so easily.


Active Member
The fact that the leaf you pulled came right out suggests a high probability of bud rot.
Most of the time when I have dead leaves from nut def / end of plant life, the leaf will not come off so easily.
yea i can damn near jus touch the dead brown leaves and they will fall out....i figured however if it wasnt some type of problem that they would still have some tension to them making them harder to pull out rather than jus very easly touchin and coming out....thanks man