bud rot???


Active Member
Hi guys i found this on my stem. About 4 inches down from top. My leaves were going all pale and soggy. Opened up buds on stem to find army stuff on stem and also inside of buds. I've cut it all out now. Im having trouble with my humidity at night. Going up to 85% and days steady 50%. Will there be chance of bud mold keep coming? Is there any way of gettin down my humidity without a dehumidifier?

All comments welcome


Well-Known Member
Large fans blowing directly on the plants from about 4 feet away.Get 3 ,theyre only cheap. Hang the fans off hooks(remove base) if room is limited and run them 24/7. In future if you dont have a dehumidifier ,top the plants a couple times to encourage smaller buds not fat colas as these can rot from inside out.


Active Member
Already got two ossolating fans blowing on them and 8 15 inch fans blowing beneath the tops. If i turned speed up on fans would tips help or make things worse?


Active Member
Just went through this myself.

Anything you cut, use a baking soda paste (Water & baking soda) on the cut stem. If it's mixed thick, it will dry hard.