Bud rot? Location Toronto

Same here and the saltwater fog has been unrelenting.

Same, actually the worst year of fog I've seen in SF since I moved here 10 yrs ago. Even a pine tree in my back yard got covered in sooty mold, I've never seen that. Learned a boatload about botrytis though, and if you get a wreck of a season like this you'll never slack on preventatives from here out :hump:
The outdoor game can definitely be cruel. I've dealt with mold, powdery, etc.

But it all years outdoors I've never seen damage shown in those pictures to be anything other than caterpillar damage. Their favorite spot to hide is main stem, where flowers develop. You get that fur, stem damage, greyed out.

I suppose if you leave your flowering plants out in the rain anything is possible.

For that fur stem crap just spray isopropyl alc onto a paper towel and wipe the fur off. It seriously works in my experience
I don’t have rot, I have a real bad problem with white powdery mildew. I keep treating them but the shit keeps coming back, and has overtaken my Amnesia Lemon Kush reveg. Im hoping I can even salvage anything from this years outside grow. Been just one weird summer for growth on them, and flowering has been a headache.
What have you been treating it with? I use green cure with great results. I have also done the H202 and water wash and the PM floats right off. Jorge Cervantes did a YouTube video on how to mix the solution and was the plants before curing. Best of luck and hope you get to salvage something it’s been a horrible year with the rain and humidity
What have you been treating it with? I use green cure with great results. I have also done the H202 and water wash and the PM floats right off. Jorge Cervantes did a YouTube video on how to mix the solution and was the plants before curing. Best of luck and hope you get to salvage something it’s been a horrible year with the rain and humidity

I've treated them with both the h2o2/water solution and milk/water treatment. Yesterday was the h2o2 treatment and hard to tell with the rain but they look a little healthier when I went to look today.
I've treated them with both the h2o2/water solution and milk/water treatment. Yesterday was the h2o2 treatment and hard to tell with the rain but they look a little healthier when I went to look today.
I tried the milk but never tried the H202 but best results I’ve had was with the green cure. I believe it’s potassium bicarbonate basically a strong baking soda and it’s good to use right up to harvest won’t hurt anything and cheap.
This rain is relentless. Apparently 50mm expected until morning. Glad I decided to throw 2 of my plants in the shed to cover from rain. One had to be sacrificed outside. Last I went outside her branches were drooping down to the floor from all the rain :o
This rain is relentless. Apparently 50mm expected until morning. Glad I decided to throw 2 of my plants in the shed to cover from rain. One had to be sacrificed outside. Last I went outside her branches were drooping down to the floor from all the rain :o

I feel ya. I set up a monster tent in my yard. I try to shield them from every drop of rain. I don't know how people manage large outdoor farms. Rain drives the molds. The longer those buds stay wet.......
I know it’s a PIA but try a leaf blower after it stops raining to get them dried off as soon as possible. Not sure if it will work but worth a shot if it’s feasible but this year has been a nightmare for humidity and mold. All my stuff is in a 10x20 hoop house and still had issues with certain strains. Best to get some mold resistant strains or try to find an ole timer that has some local strains that have been grown in that climate for Generations that have adapted to the humidity but I know some fellas on my area that have those said strains and still had issues so I guess without being able to control the environment there is no sure fire way of preventing it