Bud Rot in entire plant what to do??


Well-Known Member
I harvested yesterday to find that alot of the bud is rotted.It crazy sticky and there probably 10 grams of bud rot I read on another site about making hash with it will that be ok is that still dangerous ? What would happen if I just smoked it? Which I won't just wondered


Well-Known Member
Idk like 5 days ago everything was green an nice and the past few days we had rain and really cold frost temps and night and that's all I can guess did it...Im going to try to. Make this hash just for the practice don't no if ill smoke it but I want to learn how to make it anyway so this is good weed to experiment with I think I may have about 5 grams to 10 grams dried that will be ok


Well-Known Member

Yeah, w'appened dood? did you not see the Bud Rot starting? i mean once you discover you have Rot its usually too late but early enough to chop it and stop the Rot getting to the Whole plant:?

Damn, i had (first time) bud rot in my dense heavy Colas last run due to not enough ventalation and High Humidity but i did catch it once it showed because i was checking daily.. that allowed me to cut off the Rot and continue with growing the lower Half of the plant.

Sux man, you can zap it quick in the micro to dry and stop anymore mold advancing but still even trynna smoke that shiz is gonna be unhealthy. trim off ALL the mold affected areas and then microwave/dry the rest and make some water hash from the saved Trichromes.

RIP :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yea fucking sucks first year I burned the plant with nutes and my cfls fell on the plant and completely fucked it up then the second year last year I was doin great outdoor 2 large plants maybe a week before harvest someone stole them and now this time bud rot :((( maybe its just not ment to be and can u explain the mircrowave thing?


Undercover Mod
I check my plants on aqq regular basis for rot when they get 3-4 weeks into flower.

If I spot it i take the plant down. Id rather lose one plant then all of them cause it spreads like wild fire.

Plus you spot it early you only lose a few buds vs. all of it.


High humidity and rain will cause bud rot. If it rains more than 2 days, very high chance rot will form depending on how much bud has grown so far.


Well-Known Member
Bud Rot Stop ^^^^ really is the bees knees. Once the buds pack up a bit I spray with this whether I can spot it or not. It has an uncanny ability to hide just under the surface of the bud, so that it looks fine.