Bud rot because of worms ??


Active Member
Some buds on one of my plants which is half way through flowering are starting to die. Some of them are getting brown and dieing all the way and others are affected only in some spots. Could this be associated to worm damage ? Help is appreciated. Thanks.cv 001.jpgcv 005.jpgcv 006.jpgcv 011.jpg


Active Member
You can salvage some, but be picky. They will mold big time. I cracked open a moldy bud yesterday in the sunlight & saw a cloud of spores burst from within.... YUK!

Keep those buds that you salvage separate for a few weeks just in case you missed some. The 1 i found yesterday was fine on the top 2 inches of the bud. about 4 inches of crap, then the rest was good.

It's all part of natures cycles & we can't screw with mother nature. She makes killer buds!