BUD PORN! Afghani kush almost harvest

Thanks lol I'm sorry bout the crooked necks I use my mobile phone to upload and it doesn't allow me to rotate the pictures. I'm trying to let them go as long as possible it's just hard when you see them getting unhealthy with all this rain, exp after hhow much time effort and money went into them
Cute grow for a first timer, though if it were mine I would abandon it. Next time, LARGER pots and a spot with at least 6 HOURS of directed sun light.
Cute grow for a first timer, though if it were mine I would abandon it. Next time, LARGER pots and a spot with at least 6 HOURS of directed sun light.
Not a first time grower, first time with indoor grow room but I'm an experienced outdoor grower and kept the buckets small to keep height down to attract less attention to them but thanks
Do you have any pics to share of your grow?
Of my previous grows? No I wasn't keeping track of progress or anything only found this website when starting to learn about indoor growing and that's when I got big on pictures and updates. If u look at my page I have a pic folder of the plants starting out as babies
Of my previous grows? No I wasn't keeping track of progress or anything only found this website when starting to learn about indoor growing and that's when I got big on pictures and updates. If u look at my page I have a pic folder of the plants starting out as babies

Was replying to the snide comment from the guy above, not you lol.
I just checked my trichomes today and I see about 20-35% of them are amber in color. I'm looking for about 70% amber before I want to harvest, any clue on about how much longer this could take? I'm think I will be harvesting sometime around next weekend.
Looks like its time to harvest I'm noticing some spiders have found my plants and have tried making a nest in the bud when I check the tricomes. The tricomes are really starting to amber and its calling for rain all week, in order to get the best harvest I need to do it before the sun comes up so the plants store those foods and sugars in the soil. So it looks like tomorrow morning will be the day. When the plant has been trimmed down and on its dry rack ill post up some photos for you guys to see. Wish me luck
Yep, "git 'er done!" Surprising that you held out this long, with that rainy weather. Good on you! :mrgreen: As always, pics would be nice when you get 'em up on the drying rack. :weed:

R2T :peace: