Bud Pics.


New Member
I count 10 keys...

Also you grow in soil... 9oz off one plant in 12 weeks? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ever heard of soma? I'm sure you must have. he's a soil grower too, know how much he yields per plant after a four week veg'? depending on strain, anything from 0.5oz to 1.5oz...

yet you, growing in the same amount of time, outdo soma by 900%? ha ha ha haha ha h ah hah ah bullshit, mate.


Well-Known Member
I count 10 keys...

Also you grow in soil... 9oz off one plant in 12 weeks? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ever heard of soma? I'm sure you must have. he's a soil grower too, know how much he yields per plant after a four week veg'? depending on strain, anything from 0.5oz to 1.5oz...

yet you, growing in the same amount of time, outdo soma by 900%? ha ha ha haha ha h ah hah ah bullshit, mate.
I guess you forgot to see and count the black keys.
You and everyone else here is free to continue to grow as you like forever that is your choice.
I also said i was hoping to end up with about 8oz,i never said 9.
I do feel sorry for you:mrgreen:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Nat... please don't take this like I am hating...

Is that BUDs dry weight 31 grams? cause, that would be, nearly, 2 ounces!! I would love to hear FDD's input on this subject.. cause, he has some very RECENT experience with LARGE buds that carry that kind of weight..

The picture below is of a bud that weighs 15 grams..


BTW - your photos are NICE!!



New Member
You said 244g's... that's almost 9oz per plant... in 12 weeks... per plant. I'm not hating on you nat. I just know what an oz bud looks like... even a dense indica would easily be double that size.


Well-Known Member
31 grams would be just over one ounce, correct??
That would be a helluva big bud if it were all the way dry...
But, those plants look good to me.

Quit hatin lol.......

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Hi Nat... please don't take this like I am hating...

Is that BUDs dry weight 31 grams? cause, that would be, nearly, 2 ounces!! I would love to hear FDD's input on this subject.. cause, he has some very RECENT experience with LARGE buds that carry that kind of weight..

The picture below is of a bud that weighs 15 grams..

i thought 2 ounce was 56 grams.... here our ounces are 28 grams each. lol:mrgreen: Peace


Well-Known Member
Hi Nat... please don't take this like I am hating...

Is that BUDs dry weight 31 grams? cause, that would be, nearly, 2 ounces!! I would love to hear FDD's input on this subject.. cause, he has some very RECENT experience with LARGE buds that carry that kind of weight..

The picture below is of a bud that weighs 15 grams..

completly off topic but say what that doesnt even look like 1 ounce unless its compressed but maybe australia gives more in ounces as it also costs 400 bucks an ounce here but yeah continue with the forum convo now


Well-Known Member
Hi Nat... please don't take this like I am hating...

Is that BUDs dry weight 31 grams? cause, that would be, nearly, 2 ounces!! I would love to hear FDD's input on this subject.. cause, he has some very RECENT experience with LARGE buds that carry that kind of weight..

The picture below is of a bud that weighs 15 grams..

No the bud is not yet fully dry,i am hoping that there will only be about 6-7 more grams of weight loss.
My scales are large cooking scales not mini ones.
I hope that bud will be somewhere around 23-25 grams fully dried.
I dont think that asking questions is hating just when people say im full of shit and that my pics are doctored or my bud is weighted etc.
I have no books to sell and i dont sell my weed.

My seeds if they are ever sold will first apparently have to be grown by an independent expert friend of the shop i have contacted before they will stock them,so i still have nothing to sell and no reason to lie.
The bud in question on my keyboard was the smallest top not even the biggest.
I will cut the biggest ones of in exactly 5 days.

I am sorry that my threads and my methods have caused such a stink but this is what i do.
My parents used to flash dry 2 pillowcases full of pot a day in a tumble dryer.
My stuff seems small compared to what they had in a huge greenhouse over 20 years ago.

Maybe its just the pumpkin effect,you know what i mean,one guy is a great grower and he brings his huge pumpkin to the fair sure that he will win,then turns up some unknown fool with a fruit so big its on the back of a pickup truck and has to be winched on and off the truck,gutted huh.

Anyway people can believe me or not i have nothing to sell and nothing to gain i came online to try to help free the weed as i would be one more individual publicly protesting against prohibition and to tell and show people how i grow.
I had also hoped to in the end maybe be able to sell some of my seeds but it would seem that this wont be happening for a long time yet.

For anyone who wants to test any of my methods the info is here and its free,if you do not trust me try them on just one plant:blsmoke:

peter parker

Well-Known Member
well from what i saw on that photo there was all kinds of crap on the scale. the bud is on a plastic bag, was the scale tared with the bag on it or is that 31g with the bag. it also looks like there is something pink on it too a piece of paper or something, and the scale doesn't look very level. all key factors to using a digital scale. and is the bud dry or fresh still cause it looks wet to me.


Well-Known Member
You said 244g's... that's almost 9oz per plant... in 12 weeks... per plant. I'm not hating on you nat. I just know what an oz bud looks like... even a dense indica would easily be double that size.
You cant tell anything properly from a pic.
224 grams is in my world 8oz dunno what world you live in though.
You are hating on me and attacking me other people have also pointed that out.
I no longer care.


Well-Known Member
well from what i saw on that photo there was all kinds of crap on the scale. the bud is on a plastic bag, was the scale tared with the bag on it or is that 31g with the bag. it also looks like there is something pink on it too a piece of paper or something, and the scale doesn't look very level. all key factors to using a digital scale. and is the bud dry or fresh still cause it looks wet to me.
As stated the bud is not yet fully dried but fairly dry,the scales were of course tared before i put the bud on the bag.
I will weigh it again right now on a level surface.
Something Pink???
I will check for the pink thing:mrgreen:


New Member
You are hating on me and attacking me other people have also pointed that out.
I no longer care.
Believe me, i tried to leave it. But I just can't let bullshit stand.

There's no way you get 8oz off one plant in 12 weeks from seed. NO WAY. It's impossible. Ask any top grower.

You grow in soil... so does soma... you harvest after 12 weeks, soma actually goes a little longer. Depending on strain. He grows single plants, no sog. He's a ganja god... yet he (someone that tells the truth) admits that he only harvests from 0.5 oz to 1.5oz per plant. If you don't believe me check out his website.

So, you have soma who's telling you the yield you'll get from his strains. Yet you could buy his strains, grow them in soil in the same amount of time and outdo him by 800%?


Well-Known Member
Believe me, i tried to leave it. But I just can't let bullshit stand.

There's no way you get 8oz off one plant in 12 weeks from seed. NO WAY. It's impossible. Ask any top grower.

You grow in soil... so does soma... you harvest after 12 weeks, soma actually goes a little longer. Depending on strain. He grows single plants, no sog. He's a ganja god... yet he (someone that tells the truth) admits that he only harvests from 0.5 oz to 1.5oz per plant. If you don't believe me check out his website.

So, you have soma who's telling you the yield you'll get from his strains. Yet you could buy his strains, grow them in soil in the same amount of time and outdo him by 800%?
Soma never told you that he got a max of 1.5oz from a fimmed plant only from a single stemmed plant.
I had 8 stems so 8 times the so called 1 oz yield.
I have placed the scales on a level box and rephotographed it.
This is one of the smaller tops.
The rest is still growing in the cupboard and is not even harvested yet.
Resin will pack on in the 3 days of darkness and increase my weight even further.
As i said before fcuk it do what you like grow how you like do what you want,it makes no difference to me and i was foolish enough to think that people might appreciate my information.:blsmoke:


Active Member
SOOO nice, the hair'z ain't even redish enough, yet ......... on JUST the LAST picture. The age of the bud affect'z it'z "feeling'z", right ??? More red = more deep sllepy buzz and younger has more "energy" buzz ...... so I think I remember wanting to try what I read. Try it and ENJOY it, if you know how. It has to just about ALWAY'z get better, right ??? TOOO old ??? NEVER ...... you just lose the crystal'z that fall off my MexicanPipeTobacco also. Hash screen that hard to make ??? Just as hard as buying right "filter-cloth". SMOKE what won't fall through, right ??? Welcome to Jack Herer's Home on the Web 's 1938 Popular Mechanic's is our Hemp 4 Fuel - Clean Energy Solutions after Nu-Clear Nucular "Kingatta Shrubetta" burn'z US .......... when in WAR, die HAPPY ......... if you can ...... I don't can. I use PVC pipe buried in the ground. Hemp storage that is better than glass jar'z in wooden "ice-protection" box that SOME people use ............. if they avoid Hempen Helicopter Joy Ride "bust". OK Occifer ...........


Well-Known Member
Looks great Nat.

There are those of us that do appreciate the info without nitpicking pointless crap.

you know what i'd appreciate more? some of your seeds! lol, worth a shot


Well-Known Member
well i have read almost every post on this thred and i think that natmoon stick to the way you grow and skunkushybrid stick to the way you grow, it seems to work and its the way YOU want to grow that matters, also who knows the true weight of that bud! only natmoon will know and if it a fake reading then hes only putting him self down! and if it is the true weight then well fucking done m8!!


New Member
I had 8 stems so 8 times the so called 1 oz yield.

No mate, it doesn't work like that. A plant must be big enough to produce 8oz... which means SEVERAL MONTHS of veg'. Doesn't matter what you do to it... the amount of time you veg' has a direct correlation to yield.

A 4 week old plant hasn't got a chance in hell of achieving 8oz... not even 4... especially not in soil... without a ph meter, nor an ec meter.