bud on a plane


Active Member
they do check the luggage and the handbags...thats my job!(believe it or not hehehehehe) the color of cannabis at their screen is orange, orange color is all organic things from food to clothes so if u have it inside a plastic(also orange) they cant really see what it is except if its a very experienced security and recognizes it from its figure other than that ur save...u could try to put some cds(also orange) try not to have anything with cables cause they may think that is a bomb, mobile charger for example take anything electrical with u in a handbag....if u have some oranges here and there or some bagels, bread so they can see that is food they just wont do nothing to u...except if they are assholes..


Active Member
well in your carry on u can have something to eat but u cant have drinks, just add some cds and something to eat up there u can find an excuss that ur afraid of flying or something and that u need to eat something on plane, just dont have any cables in ur bag as i said its still dangerous to have in your handbag cause they may check it just for them to do random checks so they can fill their papers as they agreed with the airport they do those checks all the airports. Anyway its better i think if you put ur bud in your luggage that u sent under the plane with your clothes... their are just concerned about orange(organic) and cables together they look like a bomb...

p.s. ty koolhand77 :)


Well-Known Member
Okay, it may sound corny but the only thing I could think of when I say the name of this thread was Snakes on a Plane. Now can not stop thinking about Samuel L Jackson saying MotherF@cker snakes on a MotherF@cker Plane.


Active Member
since 2001, personnally wouldn't even dream of doing it, just make sure the country you are landing in, dont have a death sentence attached:fire:(if you do get caught)

Should try to sample the local weed man, instead of risking your own freedom by taking yr own stash with you, its part of the travelling experience :weed::weed:, sample the weed from around the world!

Try this link: http://www.webehigh.com/city/detail.php?CITYID=Cairo

check this site out before travelling, it is not the most informative site, but it give you an idea of bits and pieces of useful information, i.e. where to look, who to ask to score, and how much! I have tasted some of the finest hash, from around the Lebanon region (hmmm tasty fingerhash!).

Hope this link help someone out there, as it did for me :fire::fire::fire::fire:

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
i did it again today, i brought a quarter w me. i put the bud in a ziploc bag, then put that in an empty vitamin bottle, then put that in another ziploc, and then put it in a shoe in my luggage w my clothes


bringing weed on a plane is like bringing weed to a police station, your proabbaly going to get caught and if you do u should anyways, thasts the dumbest thing ever...dang i would never do that.


Well-Known Member
thats completely BS man! it depends how much weed u wanna bring on the plane. 2 gs in the pocket are not a problemo.


Well-Known Member
Have any of you seen that show Locked up Upbroad? Personally i think taking anykind or any amount of an illegal substance to the airport is like sticking your balls in a bear trap. Just way to risky.



Well-Known Member
Watch out, here in italy, the new metal detectors can scan organic material, i was bringing parmegiano cheese back to the UK (where i study) and they searched my bag for a single bit of cheese. inform yourselfs before you travel


Active Member
i took an lb once and qps a few times with neoprene workout belts to hawaii
Wait, what?

You smuggled pot TO Hawaii?

Familiar with the saying "coals to to Newcastle"?

I'm going to stick a glob of hash in the tread of my boots when I travel this Christmas. I'll let you know how it goes...


Well-Known Member
I've done this, it's no big deal. I would only do a quarter.

This is what you do:

Do Not Go to te AirPort Stoned.
When your stoned you do stupid shit some times, You have to be on your toes for this one. So don't get high.

Don't Do this on an international Flight.
Way to Much Risk. Wait till you get to the Country your going to, and then find some smoke.

Your stash has to be on you.

You don't want it to be in anything that they are gonna scan.

You wear (2) two pair of under wear. Put your stash between the
two pair of under wear that you have on.
You have to take off you shoes, and your jacket for them to scan.

Stay away from all Dogs. in your carry on, carry some body spray
or something small cologne. Remember you can only carry on so many Fl. Oz.
Very important to stay away from any dog. Alot of the dogs at
the air port are bomb dogs, but to you every dog is a dope Dog.
Alot of times they have the dog by the line where your wating to go through the security check. Just play it cool. They look for signs of people who are nervouse. Don't be Nervouse!!! Be Cool. I've been in situations where a dog was searching my friends house. The dog came about a foot away from stash and never smelled it. The Dope Dogs aren't carcked up
like what they want you to beleive.

They Pick out "x" amount of people to "Pat Down" and, scan with the Wand.
If this happens just play it cool. Make shure your stash isn't a big bulge like
"Zohan" if you've ever seen that movie. Who ever pats you down isn't gonna feel you up, but a huge bulge would raise some saspicion.

The most important thing is to BE COOL
Put your shoes on, and go to your gate...:joint: