Bud growth stopped somewhat in week 5 of flower


New Member
Things have been going well up until now. But the last week or so (week 4 to 5) im not seeing much progress in bud growth. The only difference i can really see is the pistils turning darker gradually. The first pic is from day 33 of flower. The second one is from day 38. Am i blind or am i right? Also feel my pistils are a tad dark at such an early stage..

Really need help. Racking my brain over here and cant come to any conclusions..
Like above . Don't worry and start giving high ec , just keep doing what ya doing . Looks well , but I would say maybe next time do more defol .
Ya will see better production up top
Exactly where they should be at week 5ish...I've never counted days weeks etc I just watch the plants...but I heard once somewhere along the line that once you start seeing naturally occurring red/orange pistils you can count on at least 21days of flowering till mature...I would look for another 4weeks at least before those are finished

Dont sweat it too much man...plants look healthy n that's the main thing...they'll finish when they're ready just keep em healthy that's your job
Yeah an 8 to 9 week strain will start slowing growth down around week 5/6

Potassium is very important at this stage. So is magnesium and sulfur.

Their nutrient needs decrease as well.

They will start swelling and pistils will receed.

Im at this point right now. Sucks cause you see such explosive growth week 3-5 and the week 6 mark its just densing up.
Thanks for all the replies. I rest somewhat easier now im at 1.3 EC in my feedings now. Should i tone it down or tune it up? See both options have been suggested
I'd run as is then start easing off two or three weeks out....they look good.
Allright. Thanks again! They are starting to swell up to a certain degree now but one of them are starting to get more and more yellow leaves. She has had the same treatment as the rest, but is the only one with this many yellow leaves. Any ideas?IMG_20201207_201652.jpg
Yeh mate . Lack of food . Maybe that one bit more hungrier than the others . Maybe up her feed , but ya havnt got that long left now so 6 an 2 3's weather ya up the feed or leave it