Bud growing new shoots? dreadlocking?


Active Member
im 7 weeks into flower, close to harvest, maybe a week and a half away and the buds have started growing new shoots, like new heads, hard to explain, look at the pictures and look at the tops of the nugs

Bah computer is being stupid, i'll try and explain it

The tops of the buds have like new heads coming out of it, looks like calxys stacked on top of each other and its very skinny


See the top of that bud, imagine the top like hwo it is but its a bit taller and skinnier and there are more of them coming out of the sides of the nug aswell

The temp in the room is 82-85 degrees with co2 at around 1000ppm, when i put my hand above the nugs it is not hot, they are atelast 13-15 inches away from a unsheilded 1000w hps


Well-Known Member
all that is normal http//www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/278963-my-grow-please-tell-me.html#post3648445


Active Member
ohh wow, i never seen this on my other grows, well i'll be damned, then these buds are going to get HUGE!