Bud Cut Early


Active Member
I had 2 blue widow plants going at my buddy's place. This upcoming tuesday would be week #6 into flowering; Plant matures at 50-56 days. Apparently he left the door open one day and his cat really fucked them up so we had to cut them a few weeks early.

Will this still be any good after it properly drys? Or is it not going to be any good at all?



Well-Known Member
I think this is the best thing you're going to hear, they won't be what they could've been but they are what they are and thats enough to catch you a buzz. Definately going to be an uppy high and not a stoney one though I can guarantee that much.


Well-Known Member
you could always try the bubbler method..take the plant and its roots still in one..and put it in a bucket of airstones and hold the plant there for awhile..im not to sure of all the details you"ll have to look it up..but people say it works


Active Member
What's the best way to cure? Should I put the nugs in an open plastic bag in a dark drawer? Or should I not put them in a bag at all and just let them sit in the dark?

Thanks guys!