Bud Candy?

Well for one, the molasses provides the micro organisms in the soil with nutrients. I won't go into detail because I'm tired but again, lots of info on the net. Also I never said it was molasses, I said it was pretty much the same thing.
what do u mean BC i cant be helped? mate go suck dick u wasteman.i ent here to make friends or post on evrythink.2 b honest i couldnt giv a shit about eny one on this website im here to get info thats it. p.s BC a kiss-ass

Hahaha, yeah this proves that this guy never listen in class, he can't even spell let alone use spell check.
BCF, I know you didn't say molasses was in BC. someone else did. sorry to confuse you. molasses increases terpine, flavenoid, trichrome production and has enzymatic properties to break down salts and mycorhyzae to innoculate the rhizosphere. carbs are to large to uptake.. great for flushing media though...
Allow me to repeat myself, because that's what this thread is all about. Advance Nutrients recommends that you begin using bud candy throughout all stages of flowering including the first week, with the exception of flushing of course. So to answer your question yes and yes. Did you not read the thread?
Ok point taken but what i should really have asked was would it be to start using it 2 weeks into flower or would the benefits not be so great because of the 2 missed weeks?

Excuse my ignorance just wondering if ill have to wait till my next grow
just like every other nutrient company they offer a feeding chart. This feeding chart is to ensure you get the maximum out of their product. That said, why don't you just follow the feeding chart that is on their website?
I couldnt find their website...maybe i am missing it...but i looked for a feeding sced, and only found other "quacks" lol
Yes you can start bud candy at week 1. Start at 1ml per liter, and gradually increase dosage to the full 2ml per liter. I add it along with my base nutrients. Always give plain water on next watering. I stop using bud candy after week six, things should be pretty frosty by then :-)