Bud Candy Nuets


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What are anyones ideas on

What are you looking for when you use a flower booster? Buds that taste and smell sweet, and bigger harvests, so your garden investment pays you back more.

And you’re probably among the increasing number of growers who prefer using organic crop inputs wherever it’s practical, because you like the assurance of using nature-derived substances that are guaranteed to feed the metabolic pathways your plants use to create taste, aroma, size and potency in your buds.
Can’t Keep Up With Demand“I was at a cigar store and the owner said to me, ‘It’s all about scent and taste.” I looked around for a way to apply that to my gardening, and I found your Bud Candy. Now people really want to sample my flowers. I can’t keep up with demand!!” </I>
- Randall, from Salt Lake City, Utah
That’s why this is a great time to explore the ways you use organic compounds to enhance the value and quality of your crops...

Start by Providing Flower-Boosting Energy When Your Plants
Most Need It
One obvious way you can get more from organic compounds is by using them to get larger harvests by dealing with a common energy shortage problem your plants are likely to have during mid-bloom phase.
What happens is your plants run out of stored carbohydrates beginning about three weeks into flowering when your plants’ need for sugars exceeds their ability to manufacture sugars. Ironically, the more you push your plants, the more C02 and nutrients you give them, the more they need carbos, the more they fall behind without added sugars in their diet.
The resulting carbo deficit is the same as when athletes collapse near the end of grueling competition because there aren’t enough sugars in their body to give them energy. And it’s why carboloading is a favorite tactic athletes use to keep going strong for victory, when others fall and fail.
But you can’t just open up the sugar jar and pour the white stuff into your nutrients reservoir. Your plants won’t absorb sugars that way, and if you provide too much sugar, it can acidify your plants and slow floral production.
Instead, you provide carbohydrates found to quickly enter your plants to alleviate mid-bloom slump.

BETTER THAN ALL OTHER ORGANICS“There would come a time when no matter what I did the buds just would not get bigger. I tried different genetics and different fertilizers, but they still stalled out. It made me so frustrated until I started using CarboLoad and that fixed the problem. I also used your Sweet Leaf, because it had the different sugars and taster enhancers. Now I am glad to see that you have put both of those formulas into one.”</I>
- Louis, from Rhode Island
Not Just Any Carbohydrates, but the
Ones Your Plants Can Best Absorb
Putting more energy into your plants happens best when you feed simple and complex carbohydrates when they are present as Arabinose, Raw Cane Extract, Malt Extract, Cranberry Extract and other premium carb sources.
Not only does this end mid-bloom slump but these sugars fuel beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone.
(When you’ve installed beneficial bacteria and fungi in your root zone, they thrive best when they have externally-provided carbos to feed on. Beneficial bacteria and fungi increase root mass, increase nutrient absorption, protect roots, and produce hormones that stimulate floral size, potency and value.)
So now that you’ve seen how to use the right kinds of carbos to provide energy and root enhancement, what else can you do to create gourmet flowers with enhanced taste, size, potency, and aroma? As it turns out, by providing the list of carbo sources we just discussed, you’re also enhancing the taste and aroma of your plants because these potent sugars transfer into aromatic and flavoring compounds in your buds.


Add on.To your normal nutes.
I really like Bud Candy when I've used it. You don't have to use it with every grow, but when you do, you will certainly see a different in the weight of your harvest.

While I'm not always sure that making the taste sweeter is necessary, I think that adding some carbs to your grow really does help to bulk things up.

Yes, you add it to your normal nutes regiment so that you can really give the plants some extra energy in order to help them grow even bigger than they were going to before you added the sweets.

Some people say that the Bud Candy is like molasses, but that's definitely not true. It's specially designed for MJ - and for the good stuff, not just for your everyday growing fun.

I would definitely use Bud Candy if you can find it. I find that my local hydro store keeps running out because it's so popular LOL.
