Bubs first cfl grow(test run)


Active Member
OK, here I go. I started a gj on another sight but doesn't seem to get much response. So i decided to start one here.

I started this grow with bag seeds that I had saved. Started germing 5 seeds, 4 sprouted. 3 did exactly what they was suppose to do but one grew retarded. It didnt make it. The 3 that did are doing really good.
This test run is just to work out all the kinks in my set up, that way when i start my fem ww and ufo power kush i have a little more experience.
My babies now are 3 1/2 wks old. I have 4 27w cfls and 1 23w cfl in there now. As they get bigger will be adding a few more. Here are some pics as of today.

comments, questions or advice welcome



Active Member
OK, here I go. I started a gj on another sight but doesn't seem to get much response. So i decided to start one here.

I started this grow with bag seeds that I had saved. Started germing 5 seeds, 4 sprouted. 3 did exactly what they was suppose to do but one grew retarded. It didnt make it. The 3 that did are doing really good.
This test run is just to work out all the kinks in my set up, that way when i start my fem ww and ufo power kush i have a little more experience.
My babies now are 3 1/2 wks old. I have 4 27w cfls and 1 23w cfl in there now. As they get bigger will be adding a few more. Here are some pics as of today.

comments, questions or advice welcome
Maan your babies look great, gratz and way to go..My first grow was an epic failure, so I have been saving up bagseeds for 2 years and have just now been attempting my second grow..I don't wanna grow tons of em, just enough plants for personal use bongsmilie So far I figured out when working with bagseeds it is best to germinate at least 3 at a time, I was doing one at a time and so far one was a dud, one was a breach in the pot and I just planted the third one, and started 2 more germinating..I have a very basic grow journal, not sure how to link it, but it is called "toads grow part duex" and u can search the forum and see it:eyesmoke:Gratz and the best of luck with your grow:blsmoke:


Active Member
thanks toadqueen, i thought they were looking good, glad someone else thinks so to. im tired of pay such high prices for smoke. my husband has his med card and is aloud to have 6 plants. Dont have the room for that many so decided to do a test run. I ordered me some fem seeds and got them today. Dont want to start them until this test run is done. Learning alot from this and other sites.


Active Member
yes they are donp, actually looking into some that are the same wattage but have more lumens. a 6-pack of them cost $38 on ebay. Like I said this is a test run with some bag seed. I've got some g13 ww, ufo power kush, both fem. Just making sure all kinks are worked out before I start them. Kind of interested in seeing how these bag seed turn out.


Active Member
Can't believe how much they are growing. When I check on them this morning, they looked like they had grown over an inch over night. At the rate they are growing Im going to have to throw them in flower sooner than had planned. Final height cant go over 5 ft. Will have some new pics later today after my camera phone charges. Any comment, questions or advice welcome. Im new at this so need all the help i can get.

I water them with tap water that has sat for at least 48 hrs. I spray the foliage with distilled water. They really seem to like it. About every 2 wks I feed them with 1/4 strength nutes. Will probably start with half strength in another week and see how they take it.bongsmilie


nice lookin...i just started playin around with some CFL and T5 growth...got 4 beans of "OG Godfather" OGx (BubbaxGDP). AWESOME smoke...so im hopin i get healthy lookin little plants like that...mine are just sprouts at the moment...about 2 weeks in dirt and just starting second set of leaves.


Active Member
Thanks goleboy, I see amazing growth everyday. They are so pretty, wish i had a better camera to take pics. the one i use doesnt do them justice. When i check on them, i catch my self in like a trance just sitting and staring at them.

gl with your grow


Active Member
Hey man gl on ur grow. I'm growing 5 fem ww from nirvana with cfls they're doing great. They like lots of water idk about nutes though. If u want to check. Out my journal look for it in cfl growing u won't miss it.


hey man im scribed! looks like you did something correct and I obviously didnt. Maybe if you look at my grow you could tell me where I went wrong..

good luck


Active Member
hey nycheeba, just went and read your journal. Im not really sure what went wrong except for too much water in the beginning. I do know that if they get stunted real bad they stay stunted. Just be patient, the first time will not always turn out the way you want. Keep reading up on everything and learn as much as your brain will let you.

Here some green mojo coming your way, good luck. will be checking in on yours to see how things are coming along



yo i got a question..what exactly are the adapters called that the "y" off and hold the lights....and where did you get them. im trying to find something lke that right now


Active Member
not sure what there called but u can get them at depot or lowes all day. and bubs u mentioned u were a girl earlier lol u forget? good shit!!


Well-Known Member
Plants look good. I would definitely wait until the plants get a bit bushier before flowering, and prepare to add some more red spectrum light when you go 12/12, those babies will eat it up. Good job on the nutes, I would keep the strength low for now (dont fix what aint broken) and raise it as plant response merits so


Active Member
I dont remember what the name of them are, I found mine at ace hardware. I looked at home depot and couldnt find any.

No I didnt forget, and yes it was good stuff. Was just making sure e1 else knows.

Thanks:eyesmoke: I went in this morning and sprayed the foilage, talked to them and rotated. Was looking at all the different new growth and noticed that they all are starting to show hairs. Oh and the leaves are really getting huge, almost as big as my hands. Should I leave them on it? Also when I opened it up this morning, i noticed a light skunk smell. My husband couldnt smell it but his sniffer doesnt work very good.
They sure are looking good.:weed:
will take more pics on the first.


Well-Known Member
The name is "Y splitter", I got mine at home depot...

Bubs, dont dont dont remove any fan leaves. The plant needs everyone it has, they are the power generator for the plant! When your plant is finishing flowering, it will suck all the sugars and Nitrogen from those big fan leaves and put them into the buds. Only remove leaves that die!

Those hairs, i believe, are your preflowers! GOOD NEWS! that means your plant is mature enough to be flowered whenever you're ready to do so! Good job

Personally I stop spraying the foliage once I begin flowering, the risk of fungus, mold, and hot spots all increase much, so stick to soil watering once you go 12/12

The smell only gets stronger from here! YAY!
bubs, your babies are looking good. Me and a friend have 2 OG Kush and some garden variety bag seeds going right now, and the OG is about to start producing bud. Been following that SeeMore Buds book, with great success.
