Bubblicious and Snow White Hydro


Hey everyone :peace:

I wanted to share my grow w/ everyone. Hopefully my info will help you... feel free to ask questions and let me know what you think.

Lights : I'm Using CFL's I posted 2 links to the lights I have.



I'm growing hydroponically... I bought my kit through stealth hydro after doing a lot of research.

Nutes: FoxFarm

Start Date: Feb 9 from seed...So its been 2 weeks.


Hey hydrogirl, interesting setup but a few pointers to really help out your yields in the future :). Firstly, while your system is a reliable bubbleponics system, most of the airpumps that come with such systems provide inadequate oxygenation to the root zone, or very minimal levels. Even in the picture there are very little bubbles in the stream which should be a continual agitating mess to provide fresh nutrients and oxygen to the rootzone for optimal growing and healthy pearly white nutrients. Such an airpump looks like...


In addition, foxfarm is a reliable company (not the best) but suitable for most grows. However, many 3 parts (from any company) does not add the vitamins that make plants love growing for you, rather than a strenuous process. One such vitamin additive is B-52 by advanced nutrients or Superthrive (B-52 in my personal experience works nicer) and when your in switch B-52 or superthrive with Bud Candy :). If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and good luck!



Awesome! thanks for the info hun. I was wondering about another air pump... the one I got just came w/ the kit.... so its time to upgrade ;) As for the nutes... I went to a local hydro store and asked what they recommended for an organic grow and the guy said FoxFarm. We'll see how this grow goes...it's my first time using organic nutes.:leaf:
OOOOOOO :) if your with organic nutrients, then stick with advanced nutrients organic line, and botanicare. Those two companies specialize in organic-hydro lines, and if your doing bubble and a basic formula, its important to ensure that your system is clean with enzymes (a must for any organic system). I personally recommend sensizym


but hygrozyme will do the same thing / any enzyme product.


The reason why I recommend advanced is because while all nutrients may contain the same basic ingredients, the way they are manufactured and the quality of manufacturing is very important, especially when dealing with live culture. With some companies, you may find that even though you have a full bottle of solution, only 10% of the solution is still active and viable for your plants! What a horrible fate for the little guys ;)


Right on.... *sigh* I'd like to use FoxFarm nutes this grow because i did spend about $120 on them. The next grow I'll probably change... So is the Sensizym something I use in conjunction w/ the nutes I have? I really appreciate your help xoxo
+Rep is always a nice way to show appreciation :P and yes! all nutrients go together in the same resovoir, but you should never mix the concentrates together! When you make your solution, make sure your water is de-chlorinated (you can buy dechlorinaters from petsmart that are safe for aquatic systems and plants, and they will also detoxify your metals), then add your nutrients to the bubbling water solution one by one. pH after you are done with proper hydroponic acid and bass management kits that any hydro store can sell you and shazam... happiness in your garden :). Sensizym is something that you should run all the time though and does not add food to your garden but keeps your systems clean, prevents root rot, and helps break down the food for the nutrients. It is something that unfortunately is a requirement in any system dealing with hydroponics specifically, and I personally cannot promise good results without some kind of enzyme catalyst or cleaner in your system


Awesome :) I will definitely pick some of that up. I really appreciate your help on this... It's so hard to learn everything you need to know from other people's posts... That's why I wanted to put mine up here and get feed back. I use distilled water because I don't want to use city water... does the de-chlorinater take out everything? even fluoride?
I am unsure as to whether it takes flouride out, but if you continually agitate the water in a giant resoivoir like a home depot 50 gallon trash bin for 2-3 days after agitating it with an airstone at the bottom, I believe it will be evaporated out with time like chlorine / chloramines.

ps, since your new to the site i don't feel like a pompous person writing this :P but the +rep symbol is the scale in the top right corner of every post next to the caution symbol.

If you have any more questions don't hesitate!
No problem man :) +rep is always appreciated, I just feel like most people have no idea where the button is to actually do it haha. I just enjoy helping people out so if you also have any questions feel free to ask


:grin: I went to the hydro store yesterday and got a new air pump and some hygrozyme.... the water looks soooo much better! My ladies are doing great and growing each day. The bubblicious is the big girl and the snow white is the dainty one. :eyesmoke:

I'm glad this is helping other people out too! I'll keep everyone updated on it. :bigjoint:


The snow white looks sooo good already :weed: redankulous!
I just started one and I'm doing DWC with that same pump you had in a 5 gal bucket. How come you had to switch to soil?

Anyway, good luck with the rest of your grow.
Hope mine turns out as good.


The snow white looks sooo good already :weed: redankulous!
I just started one and I'm doing DWC with that same pump you had in a 5 gal bucket. How come you had to switch to soil?

Anyway, good luck with the rest of your grow.
Hope mine turns out as good.
Thanks :) I switched because I think I got a bad batch of hygromyze... it turned my roots slimy and almost killed my plants...switching to soil was my last resort, but I like it more than hydro... I'm glad I did it :blsmoke: I don't think foxfarm nutes are ready for hydro...they work magic in soil though :)....as you can see ;) :peace: