Bubbleponics NooB!


Well-Known Member
be careful with the nutes. I wouldnt use "bloom" nutes either. I would find something with more nitrogen "grow" and use about a 1/3 Strengh at this stage in your girls life.


New Member
OK it's been a few days and the damn thing is like the incredible hulk. I still can't tell the gender but thats ok cuz my feminized Ice Cream seeds have arrived! Now I will get 3 females to start w 2beans in reserve should the shit hit the windmill. I am going to c the biggun through to the end for another week, since it's the only plant I'm not worrying about it. It has been on 12/12 since 11/2 so the grand total is 23 days old, 12/12 for the last 9 days. I will b patient w sexing...working alll week anyways. In addition to Ice Cream they sent me a single Durban Poison seed and 5 Power Skunk seeds, not bad really with a t shirt way too small for me! If this monster turns out to be a broad I think I will try the next stage (cloning) w/ it b4 going with the big money seeds. Couldn't hurt. Any questions/comments welcome as usual. The side shot is for height ref. only, no cracks about my kitty litter box reservoir setup.



Elite Rolling Society
Need help with Root Rot?

Thick, fat, white furry roots are what you most want to see - they are absolutely indicative of healthy root growth. Be aware however that the color of a nutrient solution will stain the roots, turning them yellow or brown. This is also true of many nutrient additives. Older, more mature plants will have a darker cream-colored root system, and some plants just tend to have a natural cream colored color pigment.
Root Zone Temperature
The temperature of the root zone and the temperature of the nutrient water solution can have a major effect on the healthy growth and appearance of the root system. In general the temperature should be between 68 and 72 degrees farenheit. Anywhee between 64 and 80 will be OK. Colder or warmer conditions can cause poor and stunted root growth, as the roots don't want to grow into the unhospitable nutrient solution. Major root death can occur in even brief periods of cold or heat stress. Poor temperature conditions leave the door open to root disease.

Some would argue that one of the strengths of hydroponics is its sterile environment, and the notion of exposing growing systems to bacterial and fungal organisms would be self-defeating, if not sacrilegious. These growers rely on sterile growing environments, strong disinfectants and a product like SM-90. Another option is Hydrogen Peroxide. Each of these offer their own protection and benefits. But NEITHER SM-90 or Hydrogen Peroxide works well with organic nutes or organic additives in the reservoir. You can not try to kill the organic algae or pythium and add organic materials back. That just won't work!
They do not work well together and SM-90 has also been known to react poorly with Superthrive.
In a sterile growing environment, your goal is to have a super clean reservoir. This is harder than it sounds. Folks who have been growing in the same area with the same equipment for years might find that they are suddenly having root problems when they never had them before. Or a new grower might begin having problems right from the beginning because of his water or temps.
Keeping your reservoir totally sterile can work very well, but once you get a population of icky badness it will keep coming back again and again. Some pathogens such as pythium are almost impossible to get rid of completelely. No matter how many times you sterilize everything with a bleach solution, the problem returns. It can get very frustrating and expensive to constanly be battling. More and more innovative growers are moving toward a more wholistic approach of using good microbes in the reservoir with organic nutes or staying with strickly chemical nutes..
One option is to use no organic additives at all and to rely strictly on chemical nutrients based on fertilizer salts. We think a better choice is to continue using organic material, but also using an enzymatic addtive like Hygrozyme that will break down the unwanted organic matter in the reservoir . If you would like to use additives such as bat guano, compost or fish-based products, you might consider run to waste instead of a recirculating system.


New Member
My roots look fantastic, only problem is they are feeding a male plant. I noticed the balls today under the flowering pods. 2 light green furry balls. Im gonna let him live another 48 hours then yank him out of my res and smoke him...stem, leaves and balls...just to be a dick. Im starting my germ of the new feminized seed this weekend after my visit to the local (45 mins away) grow shop. Im also replacing my Shitty old school ballast and totally getting a DIGITAL 250 watt HPS/MH setup instead of spending twice as much on CFL's. I can leave a window cracked and point my fans into the closet from there, small room. I feel pretty knowledgeable going into my next grow and knowing they will be fem is a load off my mind not wasting nutes and power on a boy. Starting w 2 plants I think and seeing if I can clone properly if they grow as well as this one did. I have a 5 plant res but the damn things get huge and bushy, i kept the HPS close to it (12 inches) and it spread out pretty wide...I dont think 5 will fit! I think I will continue this thread instead of clogging the site with another journal...will be in touch next week


Well-Known Member
damn. im sorry she turned out to be a he :( If you can afford it. I would def go with a 400w. They will almost double your yeild and the bulds are pretty cheap. What kinda of hood did you say you have? you can most likly use the same hood that you have and you will be sooo happy you got it!! you can also us MH and HPS of you go digital. gl


New Member
My hood is also the ballast, its a 250 w. magnetic coil ballast and I have both bulbs. The damn thing weighs like 35 lbs and gets pretty hot. I think I have the temp control down pretty well now esp. for HPS. I am still on the fence, i WANT the 400 digital but im just afraid of the heat, I know it would be better though for growing larger plants. Will talk to the hydro store people and see what they say...the ballasts are even the same amount of money! I might wind up w it. I was pissed about the male plant b4 but hey, it grew fantastic after losing like 3-4 seeds/seedlings so apparently I learned what to do so it's cool. Just got more money at work so I may take advantage and get something a little better. Will be in touch soon, paper towel treatment tonight for 3 of the new feminized seeds. I fig by the time I get everything Sat they should be ready to trans.


Well-Known Member
My hood is also the ballast, its a 250 w. magnetic coil ballast and I have both bulbs. The damn thing weighs like 35 lbs and gets pretty hot. I think I have the temp control down pretty well now esp. for HPS. I am still on the fence, i WANT the 400 digital but im just afraid of the heat, I know it would be better though for growing larger plants. Will talk to the hydro store people and see what they say...the ballasts are even the same amount of money! I might wind up w it. I was pissed about the male plant b4 but hey, it grew fantastic after losing like 3-4 seeds/seedlings so apparently I learned what to do so it's cool. Just got more money at work so I may take advantage and get something a little better. Will be in touch soon, paper towel treatment tonight for 3 of the new feminized seeds. I fig by the time I get everything Sat they should be ready to trans.

thats cool. If you can swing it i would def go with the 400w and get a Hydrofarm Daystar AC. They are really nice for 400w. it is air cooled and you can run 6inch duct to it and pump your hot air out and keep temps down. You will be sooooo happy if you go 400w. you will easily double your yeild. good luck bro. Let me know if i can help :) Pe@ce


New Member
OK successfull pops on the 3 feminized Ice cream seeds. Set them into rockwool and keeping in dark moisture fora few days. As soon as they peak im putting them under light MH at a distance. The new ballast/reflector isWORLDS BETTER than the old piece of shit. Cannot wait to see them take to it. This strain projects an early finish (55-65 days) so hope the updates are frequent and positive. Nutes are batched up and the equipment is all clean, hope to have a good finish with these..also my friend brought over some "Sugar Bear" Sat night. That shit was a nice roller coaster ride out of my vaporizer, anyone smoked this? Comments...


New Member
3 little girls, well 2 showing their pretty faces. The 3rd is in the rockwool cube but has popped and is making progress now, should be out by the end of the day. I have the MH light up way high and a cover over the container to keep in moisture. The pic is shit but they looks pretty good, so now I am doing nothing extreme or radical, just going to play it out safe. this grow log will start on 11/17 technically so these are only 2 days old. Will update every few days, I dont expect these to stay still very long.



New Member
quick reply since im dumb enough to try and kill plants that are days old and I paid good money for. I noticed the leaves curling under a little. Moved the light up and made sure the temp is not over 76. Humidity is low but it is winter time. I then tested the Ph and found it to be dark green which means way too high! I added some PH Down and brought it down slightly. I dont want to shock the plant...i figured i shit the bed w the rockwool and the air stone being out for a few days . I PH Balance my water before and after adding nutes, thought I had it licked. Hope they don't get too stressed out from it...they are still pretty strong looking and I think I caught it early. Lessened the water in res too to make sure I'm not water logging them. Going to dress them with water from the res. every few hours and see what happens.



Well-Known Member
becarful! you dont want to over saturate the rockwool. you will choke what little roots you have. overwatering is easy. The curling under of the first leaves is "normal" it is nothing to freak out about. Just keep things constant and things will be ok. If you have an air stone in your nute solution then it is going to make the PH rise rapidly. All the time. until about day 5 it will level off ( my expirence) You should def get a cheap PH pen off Ebay because using the liquid test will get very annoying after a while. You want to check your res PH twice a day if you can. Good luck and go easy on precautionary messures ;) somtimes they hurt more then help


New Member
Yeah you're totally right, I will look for the pen on EBay tomorrow. The liquid is geting annoying and I dont like how the results are "guesstimated" based on color perception. I agree with precautionary measures, hence why I'm just keeping water around and not mixing nutes ahead of time. that way I can dilute or strengthen as needed. The leaves look alot better now and the light will go off at midnight, the temps have been great, mid 70's so I think I can just chill for a week and let them do their thing. Will post pics mid week, thanks for the reply. Seems your the only one still paying attention lol.


Active Member
Quick question for you guys. This is my first grow with CFL's. I've one nirvana bubblicous plant going on three 65 watt bulbs giving off about 3800 lumens per bulb. Im onto day 36 of flowering and im wondering if this looks too small. Supposedly it finishes in 8-9 weeks, and every other plant i've looked at thats around 30-35 days flowering looks twice as big at least. If i could get some opinions i would be VERY grateful!!! Thanks


New Member
You hijacked my thread for a lighting question? Yeah that's probably what I would do under a "Bubbleponics" heading. Especially since lighting threads are so hard to find on this site lol!


Well-Known Member
Yea you did def just ijack his thread so im gonna be extremly breif with my answer. YOU NEED MORE LIGHT! ;) with 4000 lumens times three is only 12000 lumens. Thats less then a 150w HPS. I am surprised they look as good as they do. you must have done a decent job. I would finish this grow out and atleast double your light for next time if you want juicy fat flowers :)

Back to the Jizzmaster... :) The PH pen is a must. I have a cheap one at the moment and it tends to be a little off after about a week of use. If your going to go cheap then you should def get some calibrating fluid so you can check it every once and a while. It makes life sooo much easier when check PH of your system. And it does take all the guessing out. also.... what do you temps drop down to at night when the lights are off?? Good luck and keep it up Pe@ce


New Member
Thanks for the speedy reply bro. I have made some changes here's the sit.
I moved the seedlings to a CFL 15 watt light in the kitchen inches from the tops. They seem to be laboring under the digital 250 so I thought better to head it off. The temps were really stable. No lower than 62 at night and no higher than 82 w the lights on. Now they are at about 75 constant under CFL. Im worried slightly because I paid for these seeds and im sorta lost right now in my methods. Will update tomorrow when the lights cycle through...I got high w Liz at dinner tonight so tomorrow should arrive in moments...NO HIJACKERS>>>>LETS ROLL!


Well-Known Member
honestly bro i would use the 250 the whole time. people are gonna say its overkill but i run my 400 on my seedlings through harvest. why not give them the same light they are gonna get there whole lives? just an idea. Thye wont be overwhelmed by light, just by temps. as long as you keep the temps down you arnt gonna hurt the girls with too much light ;) the more the better again just my .02


New Member
The 2 seedlings are under the MH again. Temps are good and they look better. Keeping up on the Ph of the nutes too every day just to be sure. I have 2 more cracked seeds in rockwool taking their time popping out. I put them in 2 tupperware containers with holes punched in the lids and in the closet for heat. Should prompt them along. Def. lost one to seed rot the other day so that's 2 plants growing 2 seeds cracked at best 4 plants. Going to always have one in veg I think when these mature and just clone...seeds are a def. ass ache. Will post pics this week.


Well-Known Member
true that! Im also gonna atempt to clone when the time is right. I want to be able to keep the genetics that i like arond and get rid of the ones that i dont like. If you keep things going that way you should never have to buy beans again unless you want new genes.

The hardest part of seedlings is taking "too much" care of them. I have found that when germinating seeds and caring for seedlings it is best to just keep them in a humdity enviorment and just check them once a day for moisture and PH. Other then that they is nothing you can do. Let them do there thing and they wont let you down! ;)


New Member
Ugh, OK im about at the end of my rope with this growing bullshit. Fucking bought everything within reason to "save" myself some buying cash and the goddamn things just don't want to grow well. One is growing great I guess, standing straight up and the othe rone is alimp dick for some unknown reason I canot begin to figure out. 2 more seeds have been siting in rock wool and there's the other fun part, they crack and begin to grow then fuckin stop all of a sudden just for fun! I'm going to ride out whatever survives, get a shitty yield then dump all this shit and just buy weed from whoever. Comments welcome of course!

