Bubbleponics Grow Journal Oct. 24 (LSD / AK Fem)


Oct. 28 2009 11:00 a.m

PH: 6.4
Temp: 86 F
Hum: 45
Wat. Temp: 90 F

LSD: 1 3/4 " (8 or so fan leafs, have shown themselves but are still showing signs of discoloration)
AK: 1" (now has 4 or so fan leafs, still the runt)


- The PH still seems to be raising slightly, but I assume that's because of the still high PH of my Rockwool cubes. I was wondering if I should still be pouring a ounce or so of 4.0 water over my cubes. now that I have switched to R/O water. Advice?

- I don't plan on adding any more nutes, at least for a few days. Depending on how my babies adapt to all the changes. I will probably add 1/4 pack or so on Saturday.

- Now that I have switched to the R/O I don't plan on playing with the PH at all, regardless of it's little spikes. If there are any drastic changes, I will address them as they come up.

- With the additon of that flowering light, my room temperatures have risen quite a bit. Therefore, I have been keeping my roll up door, fully open and closing my closet door. This has been keeping my room alot cooler (closer to the 75 - 85 F range) but I had to turn the flowering light off last night, and just run the vegging one, so I could sleep in the same room. Later on today, me and my room mate are probably either going to install a small Bathroom sized venting fan up top, or 2 computer sized fans at the top of my roll up door way. Opinions and advice on the best way to keep my room vented, and temperatures down are always appreciated.

- Also, if you can see in the full view pics, my clones seem to be wilting quite a bit. I just pulled them out of the cubes 1 by 1 and still havent noticed even the smallest of root growth. Prob gonna try Petrol420's guide on cloning on Saturday to see if I can establish some good clones.



New Member
Got to do something. 90 F water temp is way too high. Fresh air down low and hot air exhast up high and maybe a fan directly on the res if you can pull that off.


I checked my water temp again, and it is indeed 90 F. I've been thinking maybe I should remove the extra flowering light I added, and just run the single veg until I get a 2nd one to match it. My roll down door has been kept up, and my closet door closed to try and help with air flow also. We plan to install some fans later on today.

I was also considering to chill a water bottle in the freezer and then add some of that water slowly to my tank, in hopes to lower the temp a bit. But will adding non R/O water, to a R/O system cause any sort of off-balance? Or should I only use R/O water for now on?


Oct. 30 1:00 am

PH: 6.0 (After slight adjustment)
Room Temp: 76
Water Temp: 80
Hum: 50

Hopefully this is a bit better...

I'm currently doing everything in my power to lower the temp of my grow room. It's now at a steady 76 F but that with my closet and roll up door fully open. I also raised the lights by quite a few inches. I poured some R/O water into some cleaned water bottles and chilled them, and then slowly pour them into my reservoir. I went out and bought that floating thermometer and now its reading 86 for my water temp and still hopefully lowering.

I plan to hopefully order and add that fan, within the next week. And I'm going to go re-read and make those lid covers tomorrow. If anyone has any other ideas to help lower my water temp it would be appreciated.

I have included some pics of the girls, LSD doesn't seem to be doing well. I'm just hoping she will pull through after these adjustments.

Let me know what you think.



New Member
Still looks like a mag defciency on the LSD. I'd hit it with either some epson salt at 1/2 tsp per gallon disolved in some warm water and poured n the tank or get myself some cal-mag.

Instead of pouring the cool water in the res it might be better if you tapes frozen bottle or even bags of frozen peas or any vegtable to the outside of the res.

Another more extreme method is to use some thermal tape like this:


You can either go low tech or high tech. Is your res off the floor?


Still looks like a mag defciency on the LSD. I'd hit it with either some epson salt at 1/2 tsp per gallon disolved in some warm water and poured n the tank or get myself some cal-mag.

Instead of pouring the cool water in the res it might be better if you tapes frozen bottle or even bags of frozen peas or any vegtable to the outside of the res.

Another more extreme method is to use some thermal tape like this:


You can either go low tech or high tech. Is your res off the floor?
Hmmm a mag deficiency, where can I get these epson salts or cal-mag? Do you think its too late for her to recover?

Thanx again for all the advice guys.

Oct. 31 12:00 p.m

PH: 6.0 (Minor adjustment from 6.4)
Room Temp: 79-80
Water Temp: 78

So, I have been able to stabilize my PH and temperatures. Until that fan comes in, it involves me leaving the door open while I sleep, but I'm learning to deal with it.

Still no growth on either LSD or AK. And LSD has went from bad to worse. The yellowing that started from the vein, has almost worked its way out to the outer edge of the leaves. Some of my leafs are turning white and curling. I was going to trim them off yesterday, but I thought that might do harm then good and decided to keep a close eye on them both for the next few days. I think it's probably all the recent stress, PH and temperature fluctuation. Please if anyone has any advice on how to save her I'm all ears.

I also raised my reservoir using 2 2 X 4's in hopes to allow some air to flow under. On a positive note, I lifted up one of my clones today and they have in fact rooted and shown some new growth.



New Member
Epson salts are available at the drug store or Walmart ( some use it for tired, sore feet) and cal-mag is available on line. Sometimes it's called cal-mag and sometimes it's called cal-magic. Same stuff.

That LSD will make it fine. They are tough as nails. You have your grow room on the high side of in bounds. A little tweeking here and there is all you need. Right now you have slow growth but not no growth. If the budget allows get some cannazyme or hygrozyme for later. It protects the roots and turns the dead roots back into food the plants can use. It's good protection for newb mistake. Never be afraid of a mistake. Just learn to fix it and move on. I make mistakes all the time and probably will continue. It's all in an effort to get all I can and the plant will tell me when I go too far or they need something. That's what yours are doing. No biggy.

Wait till those roots get in the res! You will have a big growth spurt. Taller and thicker in a short time after that happens.


Awsome Mostly,

Thanx again for the excellent advice. I am slowly learning and perfecting my grow process with the help of all you experts.

I will prob try and get all the stuff you recommended through out the week.

When do you think would be a good time to add some more nutes? I added a 1/4 pack of grow and micro when I changed the system over to R/O. I was thinking about maybe adding another 1/4 pack of each tomorrow. But I'm not sure if maybe its too soon.

Let me know what you think


New Member
I think if you don't show any early signs of nute burn (yellow leaf tips) you can add the additional quarter. If in doubt, wait it out!