Bubbleponics 1st Grow


Well-Known Member
A couple leaves on one of my girls have developed some spots...any idea what this could be?

you should post some pics with more focus, these suck

there isn't a person in the world who can tell you what is your issue by looking at such bad quality photos


Active Member
I guess when you're posting in front of the whole world, you get some of the whole world replying back at you. Sadly, Everyone in the whole world is not as polite or as nice as you.
Please visit our bubbleponics thread here:

and especially the pics on pages about 98 to 120, there's lots of pics and good info on thsoe pages.
Hey Roserman, sorry it's been so long...I lost the camera I had. Only have four girls now but I'm pretty pleased with how they've come along. Thanks for all your info and your threads, I could not have done this without you. Tell me what you think. Are they ready? This is the 61st day of flower.



Elite Rolling Society
I wish you had the Radio Shack 10X Microscope to look at the trichomes, but judging by the calander, 9 weeks or 63 days, and your pics, this would be harvest day for me.