Bubbleponics 1st Grow Plants Yellowing Need Diagnosis!!


Active Member
Hey everyone, here's a laydown of what's happening recently to my plants. I am currently VEGGING on a 18/6 hour cycle.

I've noticed that the roots started to turn brown so I applied some H202 (6 ounces of it) to 10 gallons of water. It instantly cleared up any signs of buildup of the brown bacteria that causes root rot. (Still don't know why I got it, probably res temps went up too high sometimes)


14 Gallon Tote
Ph: 6.0 constant
Temps: 78 Outside, 70-75 Degrees F Water Temp
Nutes: Foxfarm Grow Big (8 teaspoons) [2 teaspoons/gal are the instructions]
2 12" Airstones
400w worth of CFL lighting (got dual spectrum going)

Topped them a few days ago (shortly after the symptoms started showing of yellowing)

The lower/mid biggest Fan leaves are yellowing and showing signs of drying and overall looking like they are going to die. The weird part is, the tops of my plants are still growing like mad and are very green. One plant is even showing some brown spots...

Anyone have a diagnosis for this? I have included various pics of the various infected plants. I have 5 currently in the system, and only 1 has ZERO signs of yellow, which is odd since all the other ones are showing signs of yellowing.

Someone please help! How do I correct the yellowing leaves? and is it possible for them to turn back to a normal shade of green?:confused:

EDIT: I just added 2 more teaspoons of nutes just to see if it is a nute deficiency problem... now they are at 1/2 Strength


Active Member
Update: I added a tad more nutes to make it 1/2 strength to see if they are perking up..

Is this nute burn? If so I will flush the whole system out


Doesn't look like nute burn, It looks like a deficiency, I think you took the right step.


Active Member
Doesn't look like nute burn, It looks like a deficiency, I think you took the right step.
I actually just flushed everything and wiped down the whole reservoir with H202 (my roots were turning brownish again)

I only put 6 teaspoons of nutes for 10 gallons this time instead of 8 and hopefully the plants would recover if it's nute burn, and if they get worse I'll add more nutes day by day?


Well-Known Member
you need to add some CAL/MAG to your res.MJ plants use that stuff up fast. really fast

in a hydro set up...the MAG is mobile thats why it you see it start to yellow from the

bottom leafs 1st.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
you need to add some CAL/MAG to your res.MJ plants use that stuff up fast. really fast

in a hydro set up...the MAG is mobile thats why it you see it start to yellow from the

bottom leafs 1st.
It does look like an MG deficiency. You can lock out nutrients from overfeeding but your leaf tips don't look nute burnt. Once the leaves scar they usually don't heal. Even so I wouldn't go clipping off the scarred leaves as they still work and will drop off by themselves once the plant is done with them.


Active Member
The first pic with the little rust spots lead me to beleve your ph is off causing nute lock up because if you look some of the leaves are twisting slightly. But you said your ph is 6.0 which should be fine as i keep mine 5.8-6.2 You are letting your ph rise slightly right and not re ajusting the ph to often?


Active Member
The first pic with the little rust spots lead me to beleve your ph is off causing nute lock up because if you look some of the leaves are twisting slightly. But you said your ph is 6.0 which should be fine as i keep mine 5.8-6.2 You are letting your ph rise slightly right and not re ajusting the ph to often?
usually when I flush the tub the PH is Higher in PH for some reason when I refill the tub (i phed it gallon by gallon so I don't know why it rises), so throughout the day i would adjust it until its' back down to 6.0, and it usually just cruises along there until i do my weekly flush again


Active Member
I'm new to bubbleponics myself so i could be completly wrong. The way i do it is. I keep a 60 litre tote of fresh water with a airstone in it. When my bubbleponics is almost empty i refill using a 2litre jug. So i add the nutes to the 2 litres then test the ph after. If its between 5.8 and 6.2 i leave it and only adjust if its outside that range. When my plants were young like yours my ph would rise slightly and i would alow it to until 6.8 and then use ph down to get it between the 5.8 - 6.2 range. My understanding is that if you change the ph to often in a 24hr period this can have nute lock effect. I think one of the common mistakes made by people new to dwc is that they try to hit those perfect numbers they see posted on forums. My advice to you is keep it simple and don't change that ph to often.


Active Member
ah yeah i am now aware of the PH change, my friend just told me that Nutes (foxfarm at least) are meant to be PH neutral in the water. The thing was I was using the nutes as a PH down for phing my water, so once all the nutes got combined with my other Ph balanced water, they would equal out, thus giving me a consistently high ph. sorry if that was a long sentence, just smoked a bowl haha

Update: for now I have added 1 teaspoon more of Nutes to make up for deficiency. I also trimmed off some of the yellow leaves (the ones that looked 75% dead). The top growth is doing fine, although some leaves are showing signs of deficiency so I would continue to see if I need more nutes

Also: is it possible to "unlock" nutes?

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
Do you have an EC meter? What are your EC levels looking like? Adding nutes to the mix when it runs low can cause a build up of salts. Its best to remove as much of the water as you can before adding more nutes.


Active Member
Do you have an EC meter? What are your EC levels looking like? Adding nutes to the mix when it runs low can cause a build up of salts. Its best to remove as much of the water as you can before adding more nutes.
i completely flushed the system about a day ago, the water right now is crystal clear (aside from a small tinge of green from nutes)

so i just cut off a few sick looking leaves, i figured since they were the 1st set of fan leaves they can go