Bubblelicious CFL grow


Well-Known Member
I just want to preface this by saying that I am paralyzed from the waist down, so certain things are impossible for me to do. Also, I live in southern Florida so temps are an issue. Not as much recently which is why I began this grow, I have started 2 other grows (including one under a 400W HPS) but I couldn't keep temps below 88-90 so I abandoned them.

I germinated 2 feminized Bubblelicious seeds (from Nirvana), I did not think that both would sprout and grow as healthy as they have so I am going to start flowering one within the next 2 weeks (switch to a 12/12 schedule) and keep the other vegging for another month or so.

I have kept a grow journal since the seeds popped which I will post below. To germ, I put the 2 seeds in a piece of moist papertowel, placed it in a tupperware container, sealed it almost completely, and the seeds both sprouted within 3 days. Once they sprouted a good enough taproot, I placed them in my Propagator Pro for about 5 more days, then transplanted them to solo cups and placed under 2 26w CFL lights for a few more days. Then I transplanted them again to their final 3 gallon pots.

I am going to pick up 1 or 2 of these 42w 2700K CFL bulbs in the next few days. I also have two 42w 6500K bulbs which I am going to add during the second half of flowering (probably only one).

The soil I am using is ProMix (I don't remember if it is HP or BX). I just ordered a gallon of molasses which I am going to add to my foilar mix and use until about 2 weeks prior to the finish of flowering.

CO2 Generator
I followed these directions, with a few tweaks. I used Superyeast and added an air stone with air pump (aerobic conditions produce 3 times as much CO2 as
anaerobic, if you don't believe me do the chemistry yourself as I did). I also added ~2mL of AmmoLock since I am using tap water (to detoxify ammonia and remove chlorine and chloramines).


Well-Known Member
Germinated 2 seeds, placed in moist papertowl in sandwich container
Both seeds sprouted
Moved both seeds to Propagator Pro
Moved plant 1 -> 23w, 2700K light (1750 lumens)
Moved plant 2 -> 23w, 2700K light
Increased from one light to two
Added half a teaspoon of Silica Blast to 1 gallon of distilled water
Transplanted both plants to 2 3-gallon pots
Removed all lights except the two 105w bulbs. Temps down from ~80 to ~73
Added ½ teaspoon of GH FN Grow. Been keeping humidity above 40%, at first was over 60% the past few days it has come down
Made reflector out of cardboard and tin foil, added to front
Added two 2700K, 26w, 1750 lumens bulbs. Temps are low (around 72)
Temps: 68-79
Humidity around 40%
Watered both plants
Made DIY CO2 generator, placed tubing around plants and added yeast + sugar to jug. Humidity is down to 42%, temp is 79
Shook jug of sugar and yeast (need to shake everyday). It is pretty cold, added a single 42w, 2800 lumens 6500k bulb, temps around 72
Added air stone hooked up to an air pump to CO2 jug
Used new recipe of B-complex, vitamin C, AmmoLock, GH Grow, lemon juice, sugar and yeast for CO2 generator.


Well-Known Member
IMG_0322.jpgIMG_0324.jpgIMG_0357.jpgIMG_0457.jpgIMG_0459.jpgIMG_0460.jpgIMG_0471.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5.jpgMy light setup is really cheap, I bought a 4 light fixture thing from Home Depot, used an existing reflector that I had and made the rest with cardboard and tin foil. I bought a mini dehumidifier for $16 but it does not work. After this grow (possibly during) I am going to invest in an Area 51 XGS-190/SGS-160 and a storage cabinet. Here are the pictures that I have taken.


Well-Known Member
For sure, here is the light fixture I am using.

In a week I am going to switch the light cycle to 12/12 and start flowering. I was going to stagger the harvest a little by only flowering one and keeping the other vegging for another few weeks, but I might just flower them both at them same time.

I made up another cheap reflector with just cardboard and tin foil, I am running a single small fan, and the past few days I have kept the humidity around 45% and the temps around 77.

Day 26


Well-Known Member
Consider growing like the Aussies do in winter and or thru the night when temps are cooler, plants will need that extra HPS red boost, just to finish them off, forget the Molasses never met a newbie grower yet that hasn't screwed up his batch with it, a top entertaining strain that can hermie within a blink of an eye, next grow consider autos, for a quick in/out grow


Well-Known Member
For this grow I going to use this cheap LED for flowering as it is high in red spectrum, and then for my next grow I am going to buy one of the new Area 51 LED lights (XGS-190 I think). With these CFL bulbs I usually don't have an issue keeping temps below 80, but I am probably going to only have the light on 12 hours at night. Also for my next grow I probably go with an autoflower-ing strain but that will depend on the yield I get from this grow.

Molasses is not a good idea, I sprayed a little on my plants and within 15 minutes I could tell the plants weren't liking it so I sprayed them with just seltzer water.


Well-Known Member
It is day 24 since I transplanted them into 3 gallon pots and they are looking good...in one week I am going to start flowering the better looking one and keep the other growing vegetatively


Well-Known Member
@Popcorn900 I love your picture! I am Canadian (dual citizen) and have not seen that before I love it


Well-Known Member
My plants have been growing so vigorously in the past few days that I increased my nutes (GH FN Grow) from 1 teaspoon to 2 the other day, and on Thursday I am going to increase it again to 3 (right before I start flowering them).

I speculated that I could veg with only 1 of these lights, so I put one plant under 2 of them the past few days and it does work. Can someone tell me how to change your profile pic/avatar cause I just made an awesome one but I cannot figure out how to change it.



Well-Known Member
Very nice looking bro. And to change your avatar click " my rollitup" at top right of screen then look on the left side scroll down alittle and you'll see "edit avatar"


Well-Known Member
Great job so far man,i would use the molasses late in flower,i only use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water in final weeks of flower.trust me your plants will love it.Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
My plants have been growing so vigorously in the past few days that I increased my nutes (GH FN Grow) from 1 teaspoon to 2 the other day, and on Thursday I am going to increase it again to 3 (right before I start flowering them).

I speculated that I could veg with only 1 of these lights, so I put one plant under 2 of them the past few days and it does work. Can someone tell me how to change your profile pic/avatar cause I just made an awesome one but I cannot figure out how to change it.

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Lovely looking plants.