Bubblehead Contest

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Elite Rolling Society
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included. The idea is a good one and quit novel. I just think the Pump was too weak the plumping leaks and has very little lifespan, I wouldn't even use the included nutes to water house plants. And the cfls(made by Lonestar) were complete crap the first ones i received didnt even work, when i got ones that did they burnt out in like 3 weeks lol..Im not trying to be a spoil sport im just saying the whole system can be made (with better gear) for a fraction of the price. the basic unit costs $99...for a $8 rubber tote,1 $25 air pump(w/ line and air stone) and 1 $20 water pump 6 net pots at about 80cents a piece.(about $5.80) rockwool and hydrotone that they bought in bulk so both these items only run them about $8. lets do the math 8$+25$+20$+5.80$+8$=$66.80 come on roseman thats a RIPP OFF!

Just another to add to my IGNORE LIST.
How do you define Thread Hi-jacking?
It is the opposite of POLITE.

What kind of a person visits a THREAD for a group of people that he does NOT belong to, to bad mouth them?

It is against the rules to resort to name calling here.


Well-Known Member
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included. The idea is a good one and quit novel. I just think the Pump was too weak the plumping leaks and has very little lifespan, I wouldn't even use the included nutes to water house plants. And the cfls(made by Lonestar) were complete crap the first ones i received didnt even work, when i got ones that did they burnt out in like 3 weeks lol..Im not trying to be a spoil sport im just saying the whole system can be made (with better gear) for a fraction of the price. the basic unit costs $99...for a $8 rubber tote,1 $25 air pump(w/ line and air stone) and 1 $20 water pump 6 net pots at about 80cents a piece.(about $5.80) rockwool and hydrotone that they bought in bulk so both these items only run them about $8. lets do the math 8$+25$+20$+5.80$+8$=$66.80 come on roseman thats a RIPP OFF!

Yes you did post in the right area. This is the HATE ON SH FORUM. Dude RIU has plenty of DIY threads so chill and some people like the sh set-up and will spend a lil extra money for the convenience of having everything there. So please stop being a hater and just chill bongsmilie


New Member
They only attack the successful. They call that envy! I just call it juvinile. When you think you know it all is the only time you are trully stupid. Funny how that works.


Well-Known Member
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included. The idea is a good one and quit novel. I just think the Pump was too weak the plumping leaks and has very little lifespan, I wouldn't even use the included nutes to water house plants. And the cfls(made by Lonestar) were complete crap the first ones i received didnt even work, when i got ones that did they burnt out in like 3 weeks lol..Im not trying to be a spoil sport im just saying the whole system can be made (with better gear) for a fraction of the price. the basic unit costs $99...for a $8 rubber tote,1 $25 air pump(w/ line and air stone) and 1 $20 water pump 6 net pots at about 80cents a piece.(about $5.80) rockwool and hydrotone that they bought in bulk so both these items only run them about $8. lets do the math 8$+25$+20$+5.80$+8$=$66.80 come on roseman thats a RIPP OFF!
DONT POST IN HERE ANYMORE!You are trying to hijack this thread with your BS.You can choose to make one or buy one.Its a fucking choice.Yes its easier to nake and less costly,but sum people like me have the money and dont give a damn and can just out right buy the system without worrying or crying about the price.I dont agree with them it should be MORE!It is a DWC system with an auto feeder!It doesnt get much better than that.If you dont like the price,DONT BUY ONE! Make your own like alotta people do.
You say any REAL grower should know??Show me a pixel of a plant you growin or grew.
Thats the whole point of doing business...if they sold the equipment for 66.80 then they wouldnt really be mahing that big a profit and there would be no SH and we would not know about the hub and feedertubes and my last grows would not have gone as great as it did...Bubbleponics is the ONLY way to grow for me....theres so many advantages this system has compared to others.
You need to be in the crybaby thread.RESPECT FORUM RILES!


Active Member
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included.
( and this is part of my entry )

I built my own DWC system after reading some of the DIY threads on RIU (like rosmans) and after all of the time and money I spent makin mistakes, mostly due to my own lack of DIY skillz, I kinda wish I would've just bought the damn thing pre-made!!!! In fact, i'll be looking into purchasing an SH sytem for my next grow.

And now for my story.

I started growing about 3-4 months ago in a 4 inch pot full of MG organic potting mix. My watering schedule was...... EVERYTIME I WALKED IN THERE!! and I did not once water without nutes. ( which BTW was Miracle Gro vegetable food )
Needless to say I was not very successful, so I turned to the all-knowing internet for answers and found RIU. Which immediately allowed me to at least, save the plants I did have alive and later on turned out to be males:evil:
After lurking the site for weeks I found some of Rosemans and other ppls DWC tutorials and decided this was toooo easy to pass up!! So at first I made a small bubbler out of a 3 gallon tupperware and the results were great right off the bat!! roots were goin crazy, clones were taking root in days, and I was a happy camper:mrgreen: So I decided to GO BIG!!! and made an 18 gal 16 site DWC sytem and the results were mixed, again because of lack of knowledge and experience.

the problem

After using the new system for a couple of weeks I noticed that any of the roots touching water were covered in a goopy, brownish substance that i'd never seen till this point. So I posted a thread hoping for some miracle cure, but didn't get too much action. Finally I found Rosemans SH thread and was amazed at the level of expertise these Bubbleheads displayed! After hrs of reading through many many pages I decided it would be easier too post a question ( I know, i'm terribly impatient) and wouldn't you know, the very next time I checked the thread MC had already responded with suggestions and hrs later roseman pitched in. Mere days after following their advice, and the recovery program, I came home to find that MY roots were clean, and my plants much happier because of it!! The key to my story is that DWC IS SIMPLE and thanx to bubbleheads like MC and Roseman, it's also easy to learn!!

The method referred to in my story is rosemans 8 step recovery

For more details on all my goins ons check my sig for my links!!

and here are sum of the pix I Took during my problem and now!!!



Active Member
I'm totally new to this as anyone who has read my thread can tell you. Any plant I have ever tried to keep has died, so without the bubbleheads I would be lost. These guys have answered every stupid question I have had, so I am fortunate to be able to say that I have had no problems up to this point (astonishingly enough!) So to learn without having to ask the stupid questions yourself, just read my thread. https://www.rollitup.org/dwc-bubbleponics/236295-first-timer-using-bubbleponic.html


Active Member
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included. The idea is a good one and quit novel. I just think the Pump was too weak the plumping leaks and has very little lifespan, I wouldn't even use the included nutes to water house plants. And the cfls(made by Lonestar) were complete crap the first ones i received didnt even work, when i got ones that did they burnt out in like 3 weeks lol..Im not trying to be a spoil sport im just saying the whole system can be made (with better gear) for a fraction of the price. the basic unit costs $99...for a $8 rubber tote,1 $25 air pump(w/ line and air stone) and 1 $20 water pump 6 net pots at about 80cents a piece.(about $5.80) rockwool and hydrotone that they bought in bulk so both these items only run them about $8. lets do the math 8$+25$+20$+5.80$+8$=$66.80 come on roseman thats a RIPP OFF!
It's working well for me


Active Member
ten years ago I heard about hydroponics. Seemed like too much for me to deal with. I bought bag after bag, some good some bad. I would find the one that got rid of the anxiety, insomnia and aches and pains. I would go back to buy more and it would be some other strains that didn't help. ENOUGH of that. 2 years ago, I knew I was going to start growing my own meds. I had to wait for the kids to grow up. In march my youngest was accepted to start college.

I started to read. I found out growing wasn't that hard to do. Through google searches and lots of reading, I was able to build a grow room and order my light and seeds. I read about hempy buckets and DWC. I decided on the hempy buckets, low maintenance. I germed my seeds in august. They did fine in the rockwool and humidity dome. When I put them into the hempy buckets, they stopped growing.

Last month was a real, well, fucking pain in the ass. Everything went wrong that could. I had little time left to tend to my seedlets. When I was finally able to pay proper attention to the lack of growth, 3 weeks had gone by. I searched and asked questions on a couple of forums but got any answers to my problem. My runoff from the hempy buckets was 7.1 to 7.8. I never got much of an answer as to why. I understood that everyone could have the exact same equipment, seeds, lights,water and nutes, but not end up with the same finished product, much less the same problems. I knew I had to have a easier way for me to work with all aspects of the grow. In the hempy buckets, I couldn't control the water in the res. ( buried under several gallons of hydroton). My next thought was switch them to DWC. My first click on google lead me to Rosemans post and here to RUI. I felt like Ed McMahon on the tonight show doing a Carnac bit. " EVERYTHING you need to know is in that post". As I read through Rosemans' post I got answers I never read before. I was able to understand and realize how I could make that work for me.
It's great for people to take the time to read posts and offer up advice. It's another to document everything you do and put most if not all of what you know down for others to follow and draw off of. I know there are many others who do the same on here. I just haven't been around long enough to know who they are. To all of you guys a very sincere thank you. I am short on funds now, may not work til next spring. But I have what I need to get my own meds growing. Whether they die or not is up to my common sense and ability to see what the plants are telling me. I was able to put together a DWC tub in less then 48 hours, stable water and all. IMAGING THAT LOL. This morning the poor buggers got put in a 10 gal tub. I don't hold much hope for these guys, so much stress, all should be male or hemri on me. I just can't bring myself to toss them. I will be germing more seeds and building another tub. I just picked up an 8 way manifold for lawn sprinklers. Time to get the underwater pump out of the garage and get the second one ready to go. I will post some pics when I get my shit together. Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Damn i see the bubble avatar is getting popular...Wonder if one day it could be an optional avatar for new members...prolly not though..wed prolly have to have half the riu community.Oh well,fucc I GOT A DREAM ..DAMNIT!:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
Any real grower knows Stealth hydroponics is a total waste of money for all the complete garbage that's included. The idea is a good one and quit novel. I just think the Pump was too weak the plumping leaks and has very little lifespan, I wouldn't even use the included nutes to water house plants. And the cfls(made by Lonestar) were complete crap the first ones i received didnt even work, when i got ones that did they burnt out in like 3 weeks lol..Im not trying to be a spoil sport im just saying the whole system can be made (with better gear) for a fraction of the price. the basic unit costs $99...for a $8 rubber tote,1 $25 air pump(w/ line and air stone) and 1 $20 water pump 6 net pots at about 80cents a piece.(about $5.80) rockwool and hydrotone that they bought in bulk so both these items only run them about $8. lets do the math 8$+25$+20$+5.80$+8$=$66.80 come on roseman thats a RIPP OFF!
your an idiot... get lost

Go cry to your mother


Well-Known Member
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls:peace:


Active Member
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls:peace:

I guess i'm upset that i'll be harvesting in 4 days and you probably havn't even produced a tomato in your life....

Your correct on this forum being around for that reason but you were too dumb to post it in the right area

So like I said before get lost

Oh and your bagseed sativa looks like shit bro.....Just saw the pics in your profile


Well-Known Member
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls:peace:
The truth? please show me a pic of a bud you grew.Your intelligence about this is about the size of a pecan,and also trying to use these big words in sentences doesnt mean you know anything about growing or growing setups.The truth is in pixels.SHOW ME SOME!

And u brought this upon yourself,you come into our forum and bash our system???What did u expect.
The system is great.Go make your own.Look in the DIY section.BYE


Active Member
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls:peace:
Truth?? Oh another internet tough guy with all the answers. Thanks I needed a good laugh today. :roll::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
im new to the whole bubble growing as what im doing now is my first and i cant consider my self a bubble head untill this grow is complete. but maybe you will except this entry.

first off i will say this method is much faster then soil, but not saying it is easier. my set up is all DYI, ive had my fare share of problems but over all i now have learned what it will take to finish this grow and continue down the path of a bubble head. one of the first problems i encountered was algie build up in the tank. this was caused by light leak from the bottom edges of my container, evan the slightest bit of light will start to have its affect on algie build up. so i pulled out my foil tape and covered the bottom, ever since the problem has gone away and i now understand how important it is to keep light out of your res. but following about a week later 3rd week in veg i started to notice a little blue purple ring like bruse starting to suround the stem. hopping on riu i found that this was a case of stem rott starting to set in, and its cause was the feeder tube keeping the main stem on the plant to moist. seeing that the roots were developing in the water down below, the feeder tubes didnt need to be used anymore. ive also avoided this problem in my second set up by placeing the feeder tube at the bottom of my rooter plugs, the stem is staying nice and dry but the roots are happy as ever. ah yes then came time for all the joys of maintaining the nutes and ph fluctuation. this i must say is one of the most important parts for this type of growing, i learned the hard way. if you listen to anything im telling you from my exp is watch your ph level. i cant stress that enough. 3 days with my ph out of wack and my plants started doing nasty things. thank you to a few on here they helped me find out it was a ph problem and not a nute problem. the plants were showing signs of burn and mg deficency. checked the ph and it was about 6.6 so i went out bought epsom salts and no avail just got worse. did the flush part of the 8 step method and saved there life. i also droped my ph to 5.6-6 and never above 6.2 and my plants are doing wonderfull. drinking in a gallon of water a day and growing at an alarming rate. so if your going to grow this way dont skimp out on a ph meter get one it just may infact save your crop. also thank you again to everyone on here at riu you all are a true blessing.



Well-Known Member
i will close this thread if the attacks/insults do not stop. everyone is allowed to review a product. he insulted no one personally, he simply stated his opinion. you all can't personally attack and insult him for this. no matter how many of you there are. :fire:


New Member
OK gang let's do what the guy says and keep the drama down. We know how passionate we feel about our system and know it's success. Others are just not informed to their detriment. You can't fix that with arguing.


Well-Known Member
OK gang let's do what the guy says and keep the drama down. We know how passionate we feel about our system and know it's success. Others are just not informed to their detriment. You can't fix that with arguing.

*Xpac7007 packs up some bud then lays low and chills*bongsmilie


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Private Message: You have received an infraction at Marijuana Growing
09-11-2009, 12:44 AM

is your daddy
Mr. Ganja

Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: northern california
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You have received an infraction at Marijuana Growing
Dear purpdaddy,

You have received an infraction at marijuana Growing.

Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)
attacks and insults will not be tolerated.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Realclosetgreenz
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls:peace:

The truth? please show me a pic of a bud you grew.Your intelligence about this is about the size of a pecan,and also trying to use these big words in sentences doesnt mean you know anything about growing or growing setups.The truth is in pixels.SHOW ME SOME!

And u brought this upon yourself,you come into our forum and bash our system???What did u expect.
The system is great.Go make your own.Look in the DIY section.BYE
All the best,
marijuana Growing
i'm the guy i've always wanted to be

fdd2blkView Public ProfileSend a private message to fdd2blkFind all posts by fdd2blkAdd fdd2blk to Your ContactsvBExperience
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fdd2blk said:
Dear purpdaddy,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>You have received an infraction at Marijuana Growing.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Reason: Insulted Other Member(s)</p><p>-------</p><p>attacks and insults will not be tolerated.</p><p>-------</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Original Post:</p><p><a href="https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/239036-bubblehead-contest-post3060240.html#post3060240" target="_blank">https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/239036-bubblehead-contest-post3060240.html#post3060240</a></p><p>
The truth hurts doesn't it!!!!.. this forum is for the free exchange of ideas. which can be expressed at a intelligent level of comprehension and of appropriate stature, thus disputing any ignorant negative feedback. The ill advised are often offensive and upset. come down girls<img src="https://www.rollitup.org/images/smilies/peace.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Peace" smilieid="207" class="inlineimg" />
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The truth? please show me a pic of a bud you grew.Your intelligence about this is about the size of a pecan,and also trying to use these big words in sentences doesnt mean you know anything about growing or growing setups.The truth is in pixels.SHOW ME SOME!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>And u brought this upon yourself,you come into our forum and bash our system???What did u expect.</p><p>The system is great.Go make your own.Look in the DIY section.BYE
</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>All the best,</p><p>Marijuana Growing

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Well-Known Member
Ok everyone...this aint right ..now yall continue to post your questions and comments..I dont understand,WE do all we can to help others..I dont see any mods doing that..Going through the newb forums helping,no fdd there.Lets plaese keep this a marijuana growing site and continue to help others...How many times was JESUS persecuted and beatup for trying to show the CORRECT path..
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