Bubble hash


New Member
I am attempting my first batch of hash. I washed about a pound of trim and ran it through the bubble dude set of bags. I let the trim agitate in ice then sit. It's been sitting outside for a couple of days. It may very well be shot but I have gotten the water down to about 7 inches in a 2 gallon bucket. I placed some on a glass plate to see if any of the extract with have the water completely evaporated on the plate.

A couple of questions. Is the water product still good as it almost completely dark? And how the hell do I use these bags correctly?

I ran through 225-25 in a four bag series. I did not see any reside left on the bags when pouring mixture through.

Is the dark mixture I have going on actually has with water still in it?

I know I sound like a moron describing it but ifykyk
I am attempting my first batch of hash. I washed about a pound of trim and ran it through the bubble dude set of bags. I let the trim agitate in ice then sit. It's been sitting outside for a couple of days. It may very well be shot but I have gotten the water down to about 7 inches in a 2 gallon bucket. I placed some on a glass plate to see if any of the extract with have the water completely evaporated on the plate.

A couple of questions. Is the water product still good as it almost completely dark? And how the hell do I use these bags correctly?

I ran through 225-25 in a four bag series. I did not see any reside left on the bags when pouring mixture through.

Is the dark mixture I have going on actually has with water still in it?

I know I sound like a moron describing it but ifykyk
Super confused...a few days outside....?
Like post above said should take few hours depends if you run it thru the bags twice....
Not sure how big your bags are I run 5 gallon bags
Nice to have a few buckets on hand....I'll usually mix it in one bucket, then pour into another with my bags in it that way I don't mix up my bags and dmg them
Then when you take your bags out 1 by 1 use the empty 5 gal to turn them inside out and scrape off the bubble hash which will be wet, I use a spray bottle to try and collect more of it, scrape it up and find something you can dry it on then let it dry for a day or soooo
Patients tho don't rush it but it def should take more then few hours really depends how much your doing and how big your bags are
Let me tell you how I do mine,
1: Fresh freeze buds or trim (this can vary)
2:get your water ready , I use a washing machine (the cheap amazon blue and white one) so I fill it up about half way with cold water.
I put about a qrt bag of ice (2lbs) in the water to get it even colder.
3: after the water is as cold as i can get it, I put whatever im washing into the zipperbag and place it into the washing machine and let it sit for 20 min.
4: using a fan controller (like with a nob) i turn the washing machine down to about half way. and set it for 12 min let it run.
5: I then drain into a container like a bucket or a tub into the bubble bags and let it sift. I use a sprayer with clean cold water to help wash things around to help filter.
6: if everything is very green looking then you have been too rough, and broke things up to much. if everything is brownish mainly the smaller micron filter bags you did good.
7 I collect onto a dab mat and put in the fridge to dry.
Wow, I'm confused too. The most important thing with bubble hash is keeping it very cold, almost frozen. Letting it sit in water and get warm may cause the trichs to clump together and not fit through the micron mesh. As has been said, it's about a two hour job depending on how much you're running. I use an 8 bag, 5 gallon set-up. One more tip, don't use a drill for stirring unless you can set it very low. I used a drill thinking it would save my arms, it did, but the end product was very green and didn't have the quality, the drill broke up too many of the plant cells and the cell contents contaminated the hash with a really green taste..
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Machine is way to go, layer of ice, then fill up work bag with frozen product and some ice in it. Throw on top of ice followed by more ice, top off with water, let it set for 20/30 minutes. First run is 4/5 mins. Drain into “stacked 5 gallon pales, running a 220 to catch any larf, then 90 , 73, and 45 Make up to 3 runs b4 doing process all over again. Frenchy Cannoli has some great u tube stuff.72573308531__3A934334-80E7-4C86-925C-BA5D88780B39.jpeg72573554923__715650F8-A0CB-42CD-AAC6-83DF81C0C150.jpeg
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Let me tell you how I do mine,
1: Fresh freeze buds or trim (this can vary)
2:get your water ready , I use a washing machine (the cheap amazon blue and white one) so I fill it up about half way with cold water.
I put about a qrt bag of ice (2lbs) in the water to get it even colder.
3: after the water is as cold as i can get it, I put whatever im washing into the zipperbag and place it into the washing machine and let it sit for 20 min.
4: using a fan controller (like with a nob) i turn the washing machine down to about half way. and set it for 12 min let it run.
5: I then drain into a container like a bucket or a tub into the bubble bags and let it sift. I use a sprayer with clean cold water to help wash things around to help filter.
6: if everything is very green looking then you have been too rough, and broke things up to much. if everything is brownish mainly the smaller micron filter bags you did good.
7 I collect onto a dab mat and put in the fridge to dry.
When choosing the washing machine, what specs should I look for? Motor size or capacity wise? I just bought the 5 gallon bag system from rosin evolution and was shopping for a machine on Amazon but prices and models vary. Any help will be appreciated , thanks