Bubble Hash: Wet or Dry trimming?

past times

Well-Known Member
Thats pretty much the question. I just ordered a set of bubble bags and was wondering what people find works the best. I dont have access to dry ice so I am going to use the ice water aggitation method. My big question is whether I should dry the trimmings before putting them in the bags or if I should just freeze the trimmings?

What do you guys think


Well-Known Member
frozen dried buds or frozen green bud...

frozen green said to have less plant material

have you made it before?

I usually take a full mason jars worth or dried stuff toss it in freezer over night then open the jar stir the mix (it will crumble easy) then add ice and water pour of a filter.. then wait.


Well-Known Member
I just made my first run with wet green trimmings, and it went really well. What I really liked about it is that I could use the trim right away, rather than wating for a dry/cure process that is unecessary anyway.

I assume that dry trimmings, would crumble more, releasing non-tasty things into the water. I'm not sure of this theory, so I'm ready to be corrected if wrong.

past times

Well-Known Member
So either way...

I have enver made it before so pretty pumped. Always made butter with my trimmings.

I have a big bag of wet frozed from last 2 plants chopped and a paper bag drying stuff i chopped last night. might do 2 batches, one each way and see if i see a difference. After mixing the ice for 15 or 20 minutes you let it settle right (half hour) at that point do you use that first bag to get all the ice and leftovers out?