Bubble*Hash plant cross muay thai


Just wondered if anyone has had the pleasure of growing or smoking this cross strain, and if so what can you tell me? Thanks in Advance :-)


I press edit... and it repeats the post instead of replacing edit. So sorry post police. Sarcasm getting you far in life is it? Enjoy being bitter n twisted.
I can tell you if you make 1 more thread exactly the same just adding 1 new word you'll get thousands of great answers. 3rd time in a few hours is the charm.
I can tell you if you make 1 more thread exactly the same just adding 1 new word you'll get thousands of great answers. 3rd time in a few hours is the charm.
Such a helpful group member you are :finger:


Well-Known Member
What is that?
Gold Glue from Mephisto since you asked nicely. They are one of the top(top maybe rivaled by Dinafem IMO). GG#4 x a 100% Indica auto. Can't even describe the frost on the tops at the moment. Look into them as their store opens up Monday. Mephistogenetics.com


Noted for future reference. Cheers. I'm all stocked up atm. Seems to be a newish cross breed the one I'm looking for info on. Very little info out there. Though its parents are large outdoor plants... so I'm a little worried. They're freebies I'm gonna give a go. Just trying to stay a step ahead n find out whatever I can in advance.


Well-Known Member
I don't like to assume, but from my experience seeing/hearing hash plants are usually smaller/bushy type plants(size not making a difference since they give off alot of potent hash) and thai(if real) is a taller lanky landrace so its probably anywhere inbetween but the fact that nobody knows it means its more likely not stable/good genetics rather than just so new you're the first one that got it. Keep us updated though.


Is it genetics that keeps them small and bushy? I sometimes get lanky plants. My Tangiematics have mostly been tall (appart from one that didnt do well at all). Though I have 2 M Thai one short one tall... under the same light. So I'm getting confused as to what controls the stretching. Same times same sizes as seedlings same light....one tall one short go figure.
Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Thai sounds similar to the Malawi I had. A dominate Sativa.

More than likely gonna be a stretcher.
But doubt it will be too much not to control since we are talking auto . The ruderalis in the mix will
be the “ brakes “ put on extended growth ( short life ) but I expect you will push an easy 100 day harvest to get the most out of it.


Well-Known Member
Autos will run differently at times ( even from the same stock ) short / tall .... Bush / lank , etc.

Most auto breeders don’t really refine the line and sometimes you get bunk.
Mephisto is the leader in autos with a few others that run very consistent lines , but most will deliver.

Always consider the harvest time estimates as just a ROUGH estimate.
Autos are done when they are done ........ usually under 90 days.


They're free seeds so I'm not ec
Thai sounds similar to the Malawi I had. A dominate Sativa.

More than likely gonna be a stretcher.
But doubt it will be too much not to control since we are talking auto . The ruderalis in the mix will
be the “ brakes “ put on extended growth ( short life ) but I expect you will push an easy 100 day harvest to get the most out of it.
Its Hash x
Thai sounds similar to the Malawi I had. A dominate Sativa.

More than likely gonna be a stretcher.
But doubt it will be too much not to control since we are talking auto . The ruderalis in the mix will
be the “ brakes “ put on extended growth ( short life ) but I expect you will push an easy 100 day harvest to get the most out of it.
Just to be sure we are on the same page..* Bubble Hash x Muay Thai Auto.


Autos will run differently at times ( even from the same stock ) short / tall .... Bush / lank , etc.

Most auto breeders don’t really refine the line and sometimes you get bunk.
Mephisto is the leader in autos with a few others that run very consistent lines , but most will deliver.

Always consider the harvest time estimates as just a ROUGH estimate.
Autos are done when they are done ........ usually under 90 days.
They were free so I suppose I cant expect top notch genetics
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Well-Known Member
Those are already good genetics.

Auto growers seem to think that autos are made with something substandard but in reality its the SAME BASE genetics with a “ third wheel “ ruderalis thrown in for quick flower needs.

Auto performance always seem to roll with the grower ... it tests your skill. Auto growers that complain about shit grows , seem to forget about all the “ unnecessary “ stuff they do during its grow. They hate heavy feeds , man handling , stress , heavy defol , overwatering ... etc.

They are simple plants that need simple things.

Plant and play kind of plants . For the biggest autos ... grow hydro , dwc , hempy. For Soil ...
Highly aerated mixes ( peat / coco or perlite infused ) ... plus most BAGGED soil will grow autos BY ITSELF with no nutes just water.

Your strain has good parental strains ... its just the breeders that cross them on whether they made it fairly stable.


Those are already good genetics.

Auto growers seem to think that autos are made with something substandard but in reality its the SAME BASE genetics with a “ third wheel “ ruderalis thrown in for quick flower needs.

Auto performance always seem to roll with the grower ... it tests your skill. Auto growers that complain about shit grows , seem to forget about all the “ unnecessary “ stuff they do during its grow. They hate heavy feeds , man handling , stress , heavy defol , overwatering ... etc.

They are simple plants that need simple things.

Plant and play kind of plants . For the biggest autos ... grow hydro , dwc , hempy. For Soil ...
Highly aerated mixes ( peat / coco or perlite infused ) ... plus most BAGGED soil will grow autos BY ITSELF with no nutes just water.

Your strain has good parental strains ... its just the breeders that cross them on whether they made it fairly stable.
I'm in coco, using canna ab. Keeping things as simple and critter free as possible. Hydro is a distant future possibly but no time soon.
I'm researching organics in coco. (Soil = bugs) and LEDs at the moment to replace the Huge CFLs I'm o at the mo.
No temperature worries for 90% of the year with them so that's a plus. I dont want ballast so the HPS are not an option for me... plus the heat problems they bring.
Glad to hear you believe these have good parentage, what size do you think they could get to? Any clue?


Well-Known Member
Hard to say since hash plant can run around 80/20 ( Indy ) .... however since it is a good
“ complimentary “ mix of strains..... even their lineage has Thai in it from the Afghani .

So to me you will find out as it sets up its node spacing.

Me thinks a Sativa leaner , since Thai is back into the line ....

Hash plant is ( NL x Afghani ) ..... Thai ( Sativa dom )

Yours : Hash plant x Muay Thai ..... so it probably gonna go Sativa ( ish )
( since there is now more Sativa chiming in ).

But that’s on paper ..... so only way is to grow it out.
Look into LST to tame the branching if an issue.