Bubba Kush from seed....Diamond Og & SFV Og from clone...."I GROW with My Soul"


Well-Known Member
Well I'm all about organic products and that is one of the reasons I grow my own med. products such as Eagle 20EW active ingredient is Myclobutanil, is a PAN Bad Actor Chemical listing three skull and cross bones. This contains, among other scary things, a toxin that can mess with a gentleman's reproductive system. Don't believe me go a head use poison to cure a plant, I just won't smoke it. Pits not worth it, I have 4 kids. LOL
Here's a link to Pesticide Database http://www.pesticideinfo.org check it out!
good luck.

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I personally would never use Eagle 20 on anything flowering, i personally don't have any experience with it, or with pm for that matter. I only brought it up because a good friend of mine has researched and used it with great success. Don't quote this as fact but i believe he said it (E20) can stay in the plant for up to 38 days and then it is completely out of the plant's system, if that is true it can be used to safely treat mother plants and cure pm rather than just treat it.

Zibra, i know this doesn't help your situation being that you plants are in flower but i wanted to make it clear for anyone else reading this.


Well-Known Member
I personally would never use Eagle 20 on anything flowering, i personally don't have any experience with it, or with pm for that matter. I only brought it up because a good friend of mine has researched and used it with great success. Don't quote this as fact but i believe he said it (E20) can stay in the plant for up to 38 days and then it is completely out of the plant's system, if that is true it can be used to safely treat mother plants and cure pm rather than just treat it.

Zibra, i know this doesn't help your situation being that you plants are in flower but i wanted to make it clear for anyone else reading this.
Hahahaha! dude I'm glad u brought it up man, I really appreciate it....I'm all about learning and getting better with each grow and dude ur plants rock, thumbs up!


Well-Known Member

24 hours after spraying the shit out of her with whole milk!....lets see how many days it will take till the pm returns.


Well-Known Member
Here she is day 15 of flowering....currently I'm feeding her 820 ppm with 6.2 ph....pushed her to 900 ppm but I think she didn't like it. Current lights are at the full on blasting 600w from top and 600w from the side. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Is milk the answer? In an outdoor garden we have also found a diluted milk solution effective during vegetative growth when combined with other products. The idea to use milk as a biological fungicide came from the Brazilian scientist Wagner Bettiol. He experimented with different mixes of fresh milk in order to combat powdery mildew on greenhouse zucchinis and published his findings in 1999. The Australian scientist Peter Crisp from the University of Adelaide tested this method among 40 different alternative methods to combat mildew on grapevines. He discovered that milk or whey showed the best results. The microorganisms in the milk combat the mildew. In addition, the natrium phosphate strengthens plant defences. Diluted milk has been reported as surprisingly efficient in the agricultural sector in Australia, but under central European conditions it is used only rarely on cultivars due to the poorer weather conditions. There is, of course, a big difference between zucchini, grapevines, and cannabis plants. No matter how promising such results look like, they must always be seen in the context of which cultivars require treatment. Since milk contains proteins and sugars, infection by grey mold (Botrytis) may be promoted after treatment. That poses a serious risk to flowering marijuana. For this reason it is only recommended to treat cannabis plants with a diluted milk solution during growth and preflowering. - See more at: http://www.mandalaseeds.com/Guides/Marijuana-Mildew#sthash.R4lgbHUK.dpuf