BTPK is back with a vengance.


Well-Known Member
Say you have 3" of soil, and your seed was planted 1" below. Then you added 1 more inch of soil on top. Then your sprout comes up and is 2" tall (above soil level.) How deep are it's roots?

I Ask because the first 1 1/2" are Dry, the second 1 1/2" are Dry-moist, and the bottom says wet. Im worried that if I water I will KILL it. But if I dont I will Kill it too. HELP PLEASE!~


New Member
<lol> ... Good question, cypher.

The next time, just plant the seed about 1/8th to 1/4 inch below the top of the soil. The seed sends out a tap root that heads right to the bottom. So, what I would suggest at this point is that you go to your local nursery and buy a Moisture Meter. They are invaluable to a soil grower and they take all the guess-work and doubt out of the watering schedule.

Good luck with the grow ....



Well-Known Member
Well thank you for the great info, but I was reffering to my moisture meters responses and what I should do (or not do) depending upon what those responses are. The tap root was a great response... SO it burrows straight to the bottom? If that is correct a WET reading at the verry bottom (meter point touching bottom of pot) would indicate that I do not need to water, even though the upper 3" of soil are dry to semi-moist, and the reason why is because the Tap Root is already at the bottom and is drawing nutrients from the water that is there at the verry bottom?

Now the above statement is really a question, I am answering my own question. Well actually Mr. Ganja answered it and I am attempting to clarify the answer because I am blonde and need a definitive It says wet at the bottom don't water until it says ???????????? on that moisture meter I bought but would like to understand what it is telling me and how it effects the vegetation I am dealing with.