Browning of leave edges, yellow-green leaf color with spots, and loss of vitality?


New Member
After a recent bout with PM my plants began to brown at the edges and the leaves changed from a vibrant green to green/yellow color and have lost their vitality. After I sprayed with organic plant fungicide every third day (x2) for 6 days I transplanted the plants from a humidity dome to a DWC (4 gallon + 8" air stone). The leave changes began while still in the HD. The following nutrients were added per gall x3 = 3 gall.
Aquaflakes A & B: 3 ml
Nitroboost 0.3 ml
Multizen 2.5 ml
liquid karma 4 ml
Root excelerator 0.3 ml

I think this might be nut lock from when the plants were in the dome

could someone please tell me what this is and how i might go about treating my plants; also a prognosis would be appreciated.

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