Browning leaves during flowering


Active Member
Hi. I have one plant i left on the patio for the summer. I know this is a more serious site, but I appreciate any advice you have for a novice.

My plant is 14" and has been budding for 2 - 2.5 weeks. The leaves are turning reddish brown and the the buds that are there are looking ok, but there is not much new growth.

Do I need to harvest now? I fear that since these leaves are looking like this i will lose the very little buds i have.
I haven't found much info on reddish browning leaves.
Attached are photos.




Well-Known Member
Repot that plant,flush it through with clean filtered water and feed it with half strength nutes for 2 weeks and put it back into a veg cycle for 1 week at least if not 3-4,to bulk it back up,as it is looking to me in the photo youve only got about 3 or 4 grams of dried there anyway.
It looks fairly ill and frail and the leaves should certainly not be dropping this early:blsmoke:


Active Member
Thanks Natmoon.
Didn't know there was any hope.
So, what will happen to the buds when i put it back into Veg state for 3 weeks? Will they die? Rot? The hairs are already turning red. The trichomes (without a microscope) look pretty plump, too. Should I snip them off now? That is, when you say "bulk up," will your suggested process bulk up the buds or just make the plant itself heartier for the next time? Maybe a dumb question, but hey, we're here to learn and share.



Well-Known Member
My suggestion will make new growth and eventually get you more bud.
Your pics are such poor quality though its hard to give a most accurate answer.
I would also think its possible to say that your plant has spider mites but to be honest i cant really see properly,all that i can see is that your plant is ill and small,so allowing it some new soil and some more veg time will certainly help it.
The old buds,if you veg for 4 weeks,will grow into new tops.
You can if you like snip off 90% of the old buds before you put it back into veg and it will still all grow back.
If you have spider mites you will be able to see their small webs on your plant.


Well-Known Member
yea man natmoon is right that plant does look sick,my advice is to start over put it back into reveg mode no sense into keep growing with a sick plant and buds like those


Active Member
Thanks guys.
Had mites about 6 months ago, but got rid of em. I'll snip and start fresh.

I think it might be lack of nutrients, as I used the original potting soil and nothing more for this whole process. Is that a possibility?

Ill bet its sad to see a sick plant, like seeing abused pets. But I will do my best to give this girl the love she deserves.



Well-Known Member
nutes is just to make that shit even better and i mean better=better yield but if i recall major toke hk journel he didnt use any nutes or did he and his shit came out bombay but good luck on ur next grow man keep us inform


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.
Had mites about 6 months ago, but got rid of em. I'll snip and start fresh.

I think it might be lack of nutrients, as I used the original potting soil and nothing more for this whole process. Is that a possibility?

Ill bet its sad to see a sick plant, like seeing abused pets. But I will do my best to give this girl the love she deserves.
Looks a bit like they came back in your close ups or that they have permanently damaged your plant.:blsmoke:


I aint a pro but if u said u used the same potting soil that u used last time and added nothing to it, then its a good possability that the 1st plant already used up all the nutrients in the soil. just do wat these other guys r saying and it shuld b kool