Browning from middle of leaf? Please help!


Active Member
Sorry, was blazed.

Running under a 150 watt hps, in a 1 gal bucket with black gold organic soil, fed ff nutes (but haven't for a week or so.) I just repotted it from my seedling bucket. Looked droopy for a few days, but has recovered - except for the spots on that one leaf.
Oh, and 11/13 currently flowering female


Well-Known Member
11- 13??? that is an odd lighting setting....

12/12 is what everyone else does it on....


Well-Known Member
Extra darkness time is not what you wanna do for the flowering stage. It needs to be right on 12/12 everday.


Well-Known Member
Extra darkness time is not what you wanna do for the flowering stage. It needs to be right on 12/12 everday.
The shortest possible flowering times can be achieved relatively easily. Simply reduce your photo period to something like 11/13 (11 ON 13 OFF). This happens to be the optimal photo period for tropical (equatorial) strains of cannabis. Tweaking the photo period balance to favor ON hours can be used effectively for strains originating from northern or southern latitudes (further than 20 degrees north or south latitude from the equator). But the light cycle has NOTHING to do with that spot anyways. It is only on one part of one leaf and not all over the plant. I once spilled some nutes on a leaf and gave the same effect as that picture but also check out this site. Maybe it can answer your questions.