Brownies or cookies!!! Please help!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey People Here's my questions: Ive made cookies and brownies using the make your canna butter i put at least a quarter of weed for a small batch of cookies and or brownies but teh high was really weak is there a better way to do this get higher i no more weed is obviously better but any cooking tips to make it better?


Active Member
the strongest way i find is you simmer the ground up weed in some regular cooking oil really low heat till the weed turns kinda black then strain it out and BAM you have killer oil.. i use it to make cupcakes and shit lol great high with some dank weed
I like brownies (it got me kicked out of cub scouts)
Ok seriously now, a method I have found to make a great brownie and save my herb is as follows.
1. At harvest cut your plants into small sections, 2-3 inches and keep the leaves too. Especially those near the buds with crystals and resin.
2. Get a bottle of cooking oil (your choice, I use olive).
3. Place oil (all of it) into a large enough pot to hold the oil and plants (plants will shrink as you “cook” them down.
4. Bring oil to a good temperature before adding the plants, BUT NOT TO HOT (oil fires and burns really suck)
5. Simmer the plants in the oil (your not frying the plants)
6. This draws out the vital nutrients and it stays in the oil. (THC is a fat soluble chemical so it binds to the oil well)
7. When done strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer (coffee filters work but I don’t recommend them).
8. Let cool, and replace in the original bottle (labeling the bottle is a good idea)
9. Now all you have to do is use this oil for the brownies and you get the same effect as adding your smoking herb. You also have the added bonus of have a totally unrecognizable waste product you can easily dispose of.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Very good.. That sounds like a good way..thanx ppl.. if i make the butter in a crockpot like ive seen on here before will they be better... cuz they will simmer on low for multiple hour..