Brown (whiteish) Spots Appeared overnight A Burn or a Def. ?????


Active Member
Ahhh perhaps that's it I am using water from my dehumidifier
I don't think it's thrips to be honest with you. Can thrips live In Colder temps????
I also think it's funny as I did a little co2 project and Overnight these spots appeared
also I shook th shit out of her over some white paper and Nothing came off the plant...nothing


you giving it molasses? my first time, i used too much molasses and the calcium locked out the magnesium from the plant and caused something similar to that, most of my leaves had black/brown freckles


Active Member
you giving it molasses? my first time, i used too much molasses and the calcium locked out the magnesium from the plant and caused something similar to that, most of my leaves had black/brown freckles

Same day i gave them a lot of few days they had mg defic. and spots.


Weed Modifier
Ahhh perhaps that's it I am using water from my dehumidifier
I don't think it's thrips to be honest with you. Can thrips live In Colder temps????
I also think it's funny as I did a little co2 project and Overnight these spots appeared
also I shook th shit out of her over some white paper and Nothing came off the plant...nothing
Co2 Project??? Care to explain...

With that said IMO-Ozone damage?

Look through a scope top and under leaves! For j/k(thrips)


Active Member
Ahhhh lice?????For some reason spiremite(the member) said he was a 100% sure this want a spider mite problem, wonder how he knew that????? And yes the spots appeared overnight after a feeding of mollases as well soooooooooo, I'm stumped here poeples..
But I took at look at her this AM and it lookEd like the spots are healing (maybe just wishful thinking) and there are no NEW spots so.?? Also one night it was raining really hard and I brouht her In and stuck her in a closed shall we say container for tha night, well me in my ifamouse wisdom Decided to crack 2 12 gram C02 carts. Inside the shelter and see what happens (ya I know I'm testing things out when I don't NEED to) so that could be it?
I added some Epsom salt las night maybe that helped ??? I've never had an issue with ph (at least I don't think I have) but perhaps it's time to Invest in a ph moniter. Also all the spots that appear are on Older leaves, so that could be a factr to consider.
Well if need be I'll get some more flics up but in theeantime I could really use some good knowledge right now
I really don't want to spray my girl with any pesticides, just don't seem right.
Thanks again for all the help from my friends here at riu for the advice

Also do many new englanders have problems With outdoor mites???Or is it bascally an Indoor thing and really prevalent in certain areas of the states??


Well-Known Member
salt or heavy metal build up maybe, do you use tap water? I would flush with purified water and give it 1/8th veg + 1/8 flowering nutes.


Active Member
No I don't think it's the water at all because I use water from a dehumdifier..That's a nuetral PH isn't it???
Well is flushed her yesterday and she does look better today.
Ya know I was thinking I was making some deep holes in my soil with damn copper rod that I found close
I don't know if doing that would be make any sorta difference like some how the copper messed with soil (kinda a stretch but hey)
it is better today so not sure I just hope she stays healthy and doesn't get sicker this late


Active Member
So it blew like crazy and downpoured today and I just let her sit out there
and flush and blow in the wind. I'm hoping if thier are any bugs the wind will blow the shit out of them and the downpours will wash those fuckers away (glass half full type shit)
also if it is a nute problem she's gettin a nice flush so I will see what she's like tomorrow
also if anyone has any more ideas of what this is I'd still love to know !!!
Thanks all

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I though mites were an INDOOR problem ??????? Besides believe it or not after teflush she looks better i really don't thin it's mites but It is possible I guess. all I see when I look carefully is a few tiny specs of black that looks like specs of dirt that's how small these are literally like smaller than a grain of rice I do not think they are mites
Believe it or not bugs live outdoors as well. That's exactly what they look like too. I'm not sure how large you expect them to be compared to a grain of rice, but you could fit 100 on a grain of rice. You will need magnification to actually see and identify them.

Also for everyone's knowledge, plants only use CO2 when there is light. They use light + CO2 to make glucose and emit O2. When the lights are off they use this glucose and combine it with O2 to make energy and then emit CO2.


Hey, Im a definate newb here, but my first plant had the little white spots and I looked everywhere for a cause and it ended up being Spider Mites. Had my plant outside the whole cycle, had the infestation at the very end of flower cycle and damn near died.. stressed me and my baby out haha =) But definately spider mites.. Im definately making sure for my new batch, 5 days ago, that I take the precautions and act quickly.. =)


Active Member
No new spots since my little "experiment" (diff thread)
and also she looks ok right now killed em with a massive
co2 blast and tobacco smoke In a sealed bag. Worked!