Brown Tips???


Active Member
Im having a problem with brown tips on all the plants... What's usually the problem? heat, ph,lack of nutes? Thanx for your time!!! bongsmilie




Active Member
tip burn is usually from a slightly excessive nutrient burn, flush your soil regularly with at least an equal volume of water to soil and then feed.

I have been "really" light on the nutes!!! But what doesnt get me is that the clones have never had nutes and there showing Brown tips???

Now this pic is the Top of the phantom OG( all its ever had is Super thrive and Organic tea from the hydro shop) Did the cut Jul-21

These are from the La OG which the mother plant is recovering from a Cal/Mag problem!!! Also cut on Jul-21

Yesterday we got some bloom nutes and Cal/Mag+,, We also got a PH up and down kit!!! Our tap water was no good at all!!!
Had same problem, Add some cal-mag or epsom salt, its most likely Mg deficiency, not nute burn. I'm assuming youre using tap water, correct? :)


Well-Known Member
does the soil already have nutes in it ? if so its got weeks of good growth in it before feeding at all ! some mixes ive used like biobizz or canna always burn the plants for the first week or two then its plain sailing ! im petty sure thats nute burn though bud. they look healthy apart from that real healthy ,dont stress, just give them plain water and in about a weeks time if all new growth is not tip burnt you got it sorted !


Well-Known Member
hmmm looks like you got a few differing opinions, more photos like a close upof the top of the leaf bit closer than the other you did.


Active Member
I transplanted them into something a little bit bigger today!!! I used a mixture of two different soil's... After the transplant i feed them some superthrive, Cal/Mag+, and Vermi-T...

Nice roots for 1st clones, huh???
If its fresh soil you usually dont even need to add anything, maybe some root enzymes, michorizae, voodoo juice, rhizotonic...stuff like that. MAYBE a dash of compost tea, but thats it.
But so far so good for a first go at it.


Well-Known Member
I thought burnt tips on the leaves is the perfect sign?
Doesn't this mean you're using the perfect amount of nutrients?


I have the same problem right now. it kinda looks like every tip on each leaf looks dark brown or black right?. so is it to much nutes? or a deficency. its been a couple of days like maybe 4. does anyone know exactly what to do? and how much epson salt would i have to use if its a mg deficency. and yes im using tap water. I dont want my plant to die... shes my baby! :)

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