Brown sugar insted of Molasses?

I never said adding a small amount of some sort of sterile sugar to a healthy system would be a problem.
I merely said that adding sugar to a system that was already having a problem, will only create more problems.
And I also bashed the sacred Heisenberg tea, which just seems bent on getting people to buy stuff they don't need.
That's all.
I mean seriously, there is no point to adding mycorrhiza and trichoderma at the same time. The mycorrhiza will out compete the trichoderma every time and it's the trichoderma that is going to do the most damage to root rot.
Plus trichoderma costs more.

Also why do you need to buy a brand name of worm castings when you can very easily have your own vermiculture composter going, eating your left over leaves and food waste and making your essentially free worm castings.

As far as botulism in honey, it doesn't die in the honey...
It merely goes dormant in the honey...

Not to be nuisance but if you are buying your honey and molasses from the super market, both have gone through some sort of sterilization process otherwise they couldn't be legally sold.
Not is not naturally sterile, this is why folks will search out locally (50 mile radius locally, not somewhere on Earth locally) produced honey to use to help with allergies, because it contains pollen, bacteria, and mold, which in small amounts and in a substance like honey can be like having an inoculation (of sorts).
If you are producing the honey yourself or buying it from a farmers market that's different, but this is possibly opening up new issues, which I will explain in a moment.

Are you sure your honey is honey?
Unless you know for sure the honey is unfiltered (which will crystallize quickly), then it is more than likely filtered; this filtration is so fine that in some cases when tested the honey appears to be nothing more than fructose, glucose, and some water and nothing else, which looks suspiciously like an amber colored granulated sugar syrup, similar to golden syrup.

As someone who has kept bees, I know that a huge practice in beekeeping is to essentially rob all the honey from your bees and then in the winter feed them a 2:1 sugar:water syrup.
Because granulated white (caster) sugar is cheaper than letting the bees eat their own honey.
This is not some secret thing, it is publicly promoted on agricultural websites.
In the attachment is a PDF put out by the New South Wales government in Australia promoting the use of sugar syrup to feed bees.
Let that sink in a bit...

In closing, I don't mean to be a jerk, but unless you have hives and are making the honey yourself (not you but the bees), then you don't (none of us) know for certain what is in our food.

Yeah my bad ment it for the original post. I clicked on it and it was on your post lol....Im new to this site. as a member anyways.No disrespect I believe knowledge is power ment to be critized but only by the scientific community not people on forums unless they are an experienced grower. I am not and usually will not try to out shine anyone unless its in landscaping then I might be more aggressive. Listen I had 6 plants neither one got over 7 inches after 3 months all signs right and yet all dwarfs. You know what it is like to grow a 6 inch sativa for 3.5 months with HF soil MH , then to HPS then went out got led light same thing. Water level good ph fine so I had my issues I learned led lights and other lights can be to close even if it doesnt burn it or bleach the leaves..So by all means I mean no disrespect in anyway nor am I an experienced grower of those plants..Trees ,dirt ,rocks, chemicals such as blood and other organic matter , toxic plants, and department of river and corridors and natural geological formations well I have knowledge in. What I am just getting into reading is weed because I am going for back surgery and the only thing that litterally relieves my back pain now is smoking a little or a lot, it also helps me with restless leg syndrom. I love the benifits. I refuse all pain medication so my knowledge and experience will be honed in when they pass Legal Pot here I will be ready
So freaking tired getting root rot, last time I got was on my self made DWC setup, ended up switching to coco, now a year later, bought a fancy hydro setup :) I thought to give hydro another try, ended up with root rot AGAIN, tried to run sterile rez constantly adding Bleach, ended up with root rot even faster than last time!!!
So I bumped up @[URL='']Heisenberg [/URL]recipe of tea, and I think it is just what I was looking for a whole year. After all my fails with h2o2, bleach and stuff, I finally found the real solution! BUT guess what they dont sell molasses in the area I live :wall: . What can I use instead of molasses? Thanks guys!!!
You can use brown sugar as well...