Brown stuff on leaves

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
Ok so the leaves at the bottom of my plant are sick, and one leaf stem branch thing fell off. Im not sure if this is cause of me sucking up half its leaves with a vacum a couple days ago or cause of the problem or both. However the plants leaves are a darker shade a green, alot darker. and then they have these spots which are more then little spots but thats the only way i can think of describing them. Anyways these "spots" are a brownish gold color and almost look like dried dirt on the leaves but not quite.

Any help here? Or causes of the problem?


Well-Known Member
Nutrient burn seems to show in several ways. If you're in doubt and you're either using a nutrient enhanced soil or are dosing the babies with nutrients -- flush with clean water. If not, then you have another issue.

Why were you vacuuming your plants, though? :?