Brown stuff in bottom of tincture?


Active Member
  • I am trying to make a weed tincture from a QUISO wash.
  • I did my QUISO and had a resin at the bottom of a jar after I evaporated the ISO.
  • Then I poured vodka on it to make my tincure. The resin seemed to be dissolving by eye but it left this odd brown blob at the bottom.
  • I heated up the vodka by sitting it in a bowl of water from a kettle and the blob seemed to shrink but it's still there.
  • The brown blog is a liquid when hot, and a solid in my freezer.
  • Does anyone have any idea what it is? Should I boil my jar more to diffuse it or is it some odd waste product?
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If the isopropyl alcohol came from a plastic bottle or if it touched plastic it may have absorbed some of the plastic, this is what the chunk may be, I wouldn’t consume the tincture if that’s the case. You could burn a bit of that chunk and see if the smoke smells like burnt plastic. I stay away from iso extraction for this reason.