brown spots


ok i have these brown spots on diff plants and im growng hydro what are the basic nutrients i should use sorry no pics the brown spots arent bad yet but id like to get rid if it now there about a month and a week into growing if that helps ... and also i bought the setup from a kit and i have grow and bloom powders but when i tested them they lowered the ph badly what should i do with them


Well-Known Member
Get some pics up.
Basic grow nutrients are macro N(nitrogen)-P(phosphorus)-K(Potassium).
Micro nutrients are everything else, brown spots are a micro nute problem.


Well-Known Member
What other micro nutes are needed BESIDES cal-mag?
Cal/mag is a label, it has all the micro nutes needed in it. If you start noticing micro nute problems just up the cal/mag.
You could get silicon supplements aswell.
Im sure you could get every other micro nute in concentrate form and if you do some research you can get nutrients/supplements I don't know about...
Heres a guide to answer your question more thoroughly

Or if you just want something that shows other nutes you need.