Brown spots

Soil that is 6.5 is slightly acidic, meaning the calcium carbonate from the eggshells (not to mention the phosphorous, magnesium, and other micros) will slowly leach out. However, calcium carbonate is alkaline, so it will probably be a very small amount released every time you water. You should look up eggshell tea. Just make sure the eggshells are thoroughly rinsed and dried before you try, and make sure the inner membrane has been fully removed.
oh btw if you do test your soil PH and it is much above 7 or higher and those are day 67 flower like you said then i am gonna say it is having trouble absorbing al the phosphorous it needs as this would be being uptaken in the largest quantities at this stage and since phosphorous has a way lower ideal ph for absorbtion than other niutrients. it also doesnt hurt that it look allot like a phosphorous deficiency as i said before. below is a P deficient plant
Flushing can cause osmotic stress on the roots.
that said though calcium in plants is responsible for regulating osmotic stress so a defficiency could still cause or aggrevate this not a flush alone. i am pretty sure other fators need to be present for osmotic stress to occurr. that said flushing an organic soil grow is ridiculous concept born of misundertandings within the cannabis community so don't flush uinless you really have some toxicity you need to get rid of. in your case if it is deficient or ph then a flush isnt gonna do squat anywauy
Just gonna throw this day 25 Auto Malana Bomb in on the end of this, t had 4ml veg, 2ml bloom, 1ml microbes on the 13th
lower leave spotting


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