Brown Spots on Roots DWC


Active Member
For my first grow I am growing 4 bagseed in soil and 1 nirvana white rhino DWC in a white 5 gallon bucket, all under a 600 watt HPS. I've been using 5 gallon bottles of distilled water to fill my DWC bucket, but i haven't been Phing the water, nor have i been watching the res temp. Also, the rhino seems to be growing very strangely, forming sets of 3 fan leaves instead of two at each internode.

I just lifted up the rhino to check the res for algae, when i noticed there are little brown spots all over part of the root structure that is sticking out of the hydroton. Unfortunately my camera needs batteries, so no pics till tomorrow, but does anyone know what this is?

EDIT: the DWC has two one-inch airstones in it


New Member
Hmmmm. Well the fact that it is a white bucket may prove a problem. Black it out somehow. The light on that HPS WILL go through the with bucket producing root rot and algae. Why are you not ph'ing the water? The temps should be around 68-74 roughly. The growth could be your nutes but you didn't post that so i'm still not sure. How about you post what nutes you are feeding and what strength.

How old are the plants? Since they are under an HPS, I can assume that you are flowering.. Correct??

Get back to me with that and I can give you proper advice.

But without the info, I can only tell you to flush for 1 to 2 days with ph'ed water and h2o2. With 3% h2o2 you can add about 1/3 of the bottle into the rez without problems. THis should be done fast. ASAP!


Active Member
Thanks, I've been reading around RIU for almost a year until i finally started my soil grow, the DWC was kindof a half-baked afterthought/experiment with old seeds I had ordered. I wasn't phing the water because I'm an idiot :wall:, but I just blacked out the bucket. The plant is 2 weeks old, so I'm still in veg. The only reason I'm using the HPS is because I had one laying around, but I've got some blue spectrum CFL's in the mail. As for nutes, I'm using Foxfarm's Grow Big 3-2-6 at 2 tsp/gal.


New Member
Ok, i'm baked bad or should I say GOOOOOOD right now so this won't be totally comprehensible. How did you black it out? Remember to keeo the water at 72!! It will help slow the brown stuff and FLUSH with 5.2ph water and h2o2. 3% half the bottle in the tank. Then on the 3rd day, go to only 1tsp per gal. Also still add the h2o2 in the mix for the rest of the res change depending on your schedule.

THen try and ONLY veg with 6500k until you are ready to flower. You need duplicate the veg sun which is bluish. This way the plant wont stretch a lot. The rule of thumb are veg to 1ft. Try and stay organic with the nutes while flowering as well.

Did that make scence? Good things.


Active Member
Good things indeed...

I'm picking up the H2O2 tomorrow, used black plastic sheeting to black out the bucket. When the new bulbs come in I'll start my caramelicious/chronic grow, but I hope I can keep this rhino alive to harvest. Thanks for all the help


OMG... I know this is an old post, but seriously I can't believe this dude with the advice has 3100 post and hes giving advice like that. First off, 3 leaves to the node is not uncommon and has absolutely nothing to do with the nutes you are using. Its a Freak a mutation, more times than not as the plant grows it will go to the normal 2 leaf per node. Secondly... the first post dude made said use 1/3 of a bottle of 3% H202 and the next time he chimes in he said 1/2 a bottle. Okay Ya don't have to be a Rocket scientist to realize that Hydrogen Peroxide comes in various size bottles. FIRST check the label and make sure that the only other additive is distilled water. H202 comes in different %. I would recommend being very careful with this. I do however agree that you should flush wt the H202 but not for two days and I wouldn't suggest that you use it every rez change either. After its all said and done Flush for a couple hrs., @ most 10 mils per gal. with your next nute change add the H203 but maybe every 3rd change.