brown spots on lowryder x please


Well-Known Member
hey guys. i am growing one easy ryder (lowryder2 x ak47) and have begun to get a little "burn" maybe. my setup consist of standard potting soil and fox farm nutes. the plant has been growing now for 24 days under 92w of cfl (450w).


1. would could be causing leaves to slightly turn yellow with the brown spots on the tips?

2. is my plant not a little small for 24 days of growth?

3. i have given it one very small feeding of fox farm tiger bloom - is it the right time to be doing this?

with much thanks for all help!!



Active Member
Hey man check this out!
The first thing it says is nute burn. stop using the nutes for a while and flush the soil.
as for the size i really cant help you there. they look decent enough for 24 days old but i'd make sure they are getting plenty of light.
What kind of lights are you using?

Los Ganjales

Active Member
I'm growing this exact strain. Check it out from 3 days ago:

Now to answer your questions. The yellowing of the leaves could be a combination of a lack of nitrogen (which I doubt because of the brown tips - nute burn), and that the CFL light isn't penetrating to the lower leaves. Your plant should be a lot bigger for 24 days old... the Easy Ryder only has a 70 day lifespan. I highly suggest to put the plant outside while the sun is still out for more than 12 hours, and try to get some more lighting to supplement the CFL light.

As for your nute burn, DO NOT use tiger bloom right now, that's why you have nute burn. That is for when the plant is flowering, and there are barely bud spots forming. You should be using Grow Big, which has a really high nitrogen content 6-4-4... and that would take care of your yellowing leaves. Follow Fox Farm's grow schedule, but shorten it to accomodate the 70 day lifespan of the Easy Ryder.

For a while, I was putting my Easy Ryder outside during the day, and then under a 600 watt HPS at night... showed a TON of improvement... even doing that for a week will get the plant back on track.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! i will put the plant outside for sure, i can do this without too much trouble. i have been running it on three cfls - 26w ea. the strange thing is that i have 22 going under cfls at another location and they growing much better than the one in my closet. thank you so much for the tips!
