Brown spots + curling tips + yellowing + drooping


Active Member
Hey all!

First time post here, hoping to get some help.

I've got a few problems going on simutaneously. Growing in soil, pH 6, humidity is 48% and room is decently constant at 78. 1000W light about 2 feet away. I received the plants in solo cups at 2 weeks old. Some clones and some are from seed. I then transplanted them in a mix of perlite, topsoil, and a rock and sand mixture for drainage. Lined the bottom 2 inches of the pot with perlite. I used a trace amount of blood meal (12-0-0) and added a trace amount of Osmocote slow release pellets (14-14-14). Watered...

I'm experiencing a strange behavior of my plants. Every night for the last 4 nights at the 17th hour my plants begin to droop. By hour 18 (lights out) they have drooped further.


In the morning when i wake up i check on them after the light has been on for a couple of hours and they have all perked back up. Wasnt sure what was happening, thought it was just overwatering. I then experimented with watering and not watering them, but water did not seem to have an effect.

I am also seeing some yellowing on the leaves, and starting to get dark brown spot on some of the mid level leaves.


The plants are now 4 weeks old. Im guessing it is nute deficientcy but i wanted to get some other opinions. Thinking about using Fox Farm Grow Big schedule. Any thoughts?

Oh, and p.s.
if you see this guy IMG_0430.jpg he's not your friend. Chewed my leaf to hell.

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
You need a more complete fert. SOMETHING LIKE THIS N(20)-P(20)-K(20). KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


New Member
I'm having the same problem with the drooping on the last few hours of their light schedule. is this normal???? I've watched time lapsed videos of plants on youtube and it seems like it is. but some reassurance would be amazing!!

heres the video YouTube - Cannabis Time Lapse - Marijuana Grow #1
ya last summer i had a few plants growing outdoors and they would do this every night especially after watering, and i think it also has to do with a cooler temperature at night the plant isnt reaching towards to the warmth of the light, i wouldnt worry about

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
My string beans do that at night--- are you sure those are not beans? wait for it-----LOL! Stop spending you money on all that stuff/ Get soil, plant your plant. drainage is great so is aeration. Now go get some Miracle grow food for feeding plant in a can. Reason----price is good and it has all the nutes you need to get you to Flower time and is chelated. Biggest loser of potted plants is a MG or Metals Def. 2/3 cap to 4 gallons of ph correct water. 6.3 somewhere. Do not water till the first top inch or so of soil is fluffy or dry. Do not wait till she is dry you will do more damage then good. I learned how to use my macro so check out my flower. If you have a macro (most do) use it for posting pics and getting better diagnosis or by a medi grow bible



New Member
or when youre growing indoors and it happens at the last few hours i think the plants are probably just tired or somthing thats why i dont veg em on 24 hours like some people do, gotta give em some time to rest


young plants will do that. not much point keeping the lights on after they droop as not much photosynthesis going on. as they get bigger they will be able to handle it better. this is if there is nothing else amiss.


Active Member
i think two feet for a 1000w is too close isnt it?? other than that yeah I think its just too much for the little girls.....


Active Member
I am not sure anyone has read his thread title completely. Not only do they droop in the last hour or 2 of light, they also have curling tips, yellowing and brown spots?

edit...I think bongkong and I posted at the same time and i didnt see his post.


Active Member
agree that 2 feet is a bit close for such young plants. Also I have heard many people say that when you receive clones from others many variables come into play. Exposed to bugs and mites (that can cause brown spots). Poor rooting and/or root development when cloned (that can cause yellowing/drooping) and unusual nutes feeding by the person that cloned them (that can cause all of the above).

If they were my babies I would flush them with plain spring water for a few waterings, move to t5 or cfl light for a week or 2 and look very close for bugs and mites. if you have already seen bugs it may be time to spray with soapy water but the bugs may still be in your grow room as well.